OddBall-Chapter 2

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The days had gone by so fast, Senia didn't even notice the seasons changing. Wet cold April had turned into a hot, summery June. The flowers had all of a sudden blossomed, and the birds had reapeared outside her bedroom window.

Senia's eyes fluttered open when a blinding sheild of light came bounding threw her window.

She groaned and rolled onto the other side of her bed, covering her self with the nearest blanket. Monday morning! She thought excitedly. Only a week or two left. She couldn't wait.

All of a sudden a blast of noise came loudly beside her ear. Starteld, she jumped only to land on the floor with a massive amount of blankets covering her body. She groaned again.

With a sigh she rolled over onto her side and failed to take all her blankets off. Then succeded.

Senia lay on the ground for a moment before hoisting herself up using the bedrail, She felt so tired! It seemed impossible to her that she could even get up. Her body felt numb. And before thinking anything else she happened to cross a mirror. Senia's hair was strewed all over her head, she couldn't help but gasp at this sight.

Without thinking she grabbed the nearest brush a rushed it over her matted hair. Wincing as it pulled every knot. The outcome: A frizzy mess.

Ten minutes later she had gotten out of the shower, blow dried her hair, and gotten dressed in a pair of washed out shorts, navy blue and white striped tank top and white heels. It wasn't her best look, but considering nobody looked at her for that kind of stuff, at this point she really didn't care.

She dashed through the door, throwing her hair in a quick high-ponytail, and getting outside just in time to catch the morning bus. The smell of gas filled her nostrils. The bus doors opened and she gripped her bag tighter.

Finding a seat, Senia instently regretted the desision of taking the bus today.

Lifting her self above the seat she wipped away the remains of a banana onto the floor. She scotted over to the window seat so she wouldnt have to run back home during lunch to get new shorts.

When the bus arrived at school she slung her bag over her shoulder so it hung right infront of the yellow stain on her shorts.

Walking past, everyone stared at her. She wished she could do more, but all she could do was ignore the glares and laughter. So thats what she proceeded to do.

Before she knew it a foot collied with her leg and she smacked down onto the cement. Her cheek pressed to the dirt and rocks, and her knee's and arm's were scraped up and bleeding onto the ground.

"Oopps," The girl who tripped her said and snickered. All Senia wanted to do was get up and curse at the girl. Instead she just got up and hobbeld over to the nurses office.

This unfortunetly was normal behavior for everyone in her school. If someone were to ask were she got all her scraps and bruises from, the answer would be simple, school.

She swung the green and white glass doors open, and stepped inside to cool air. Her outfit was now regretted, the air wasn't very refreshing. More like spine tingling cold. She came to the nurses office and sat down on the chair nearest to the heater.

"Its freezing in here!" The nurse came out, grabbing her clip board and heading on over to Senia. "So what can I do for you so early in the morning?" She asked sweetly.

Senia gave her a grin, "I fell down on my way to school and got  bloody knee's and elbow's," She lied. The nurse came over and lifted up my arms and examined my knees.

"Come on into the office dear," She offered taking Senia's hand and helping her up. "You must'of tooken a horrible fall, it looks like someone tripped you." Ms. Reo, I read off her name tag, said.

"You don't even know." Senia said and sat down on the exam table.

Ms.Reo opened some cupboards, taking out some peroxide, bandaides, and some polly-sporine.

She came over and lifted Senia's legs onto the plastic covered table, and poured the peroxide over her scraps and small gashes. The foam felt weird on her cuts, and she felt like almost laughing at the way it felt. Holding that back, she straightened herself up as Ms.Reo used a wet cloth to dab her knees, and then applied the polly-sporine.

Senia thanked Ms.Reo after she put bandaides on her knees, and elbows that weren't so bad, so they didnt need alot of cleansing. She walked out of the nurses office shivering.

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