Ryback and (yourself)

Start from the beginning

"Hi I'm checking in for (💕)." I said
"Hold on let me check" the lady said

I glance over to Ryan only to catch him staring a me. He played it off cool with a slight wave

"Umm miss I don't see anyone with the name (💕 ) here. Are you sure you booked a room for today." She said

"What! Are you serious I have all the information on my phone" I said taking it out of my pocket.

" you know what I'll just take what ever room you have available." Said annoyed

I was so tried I just didn't care anymore. I just wanted to sleep.

" oh sorry actually we are all book up there a no more available suits" she said

"Seriously" i said

" I'm sorry miss but-

"(💕) come stay with me I'm not sharing with anyone." Ryan said

" ohh no I can't you already offered me a ride I can do that to you." I said

"Where would you sleep. Come on its just for the a few nights ." He said

I thought about for a bit.
He was right I had no where to sleep. A part of my was happy I will get to spend more time with him and the other was nervous.
I don't know if my butterflies could Handle anymore stress around him. I felt like I was going to burst any minute The whole night I felt them around him but sharing a room Isa whole new territory.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw his grin and gave in

". ...Ryan Jeez Ohh fine alright then" I said defeated

We the walk to the elevator and got in to go to the room.

"6B here it is" he swiped the key and pushing the door so we entered.

I soon as I got in I noticed a slight problem.

There was only one bed shit

" I don't mine sleeping in the floor" he said before I could say the same thing.

*Time skip*

I just finished in changing into my pyjamas and Ryan was already dress.

He look ready to settle into his miny bed on the ground. As I hopped into the huge bed.

" well night(💕)" he said
"Yeah good night." I said back before turning off the lamp."

I stayed laying there staring at the ceiling for what felt like hours but it was really five minutes.
I didn't feel right while I invaded his room and I sleeping His bed.

I turned on the lamp

" you seem so uncomfortable. I mean this is your room you should have the bed." I said

" oh no its really ok" he said

"You don't have to do all this for me
Here there is enough space for both of us come up."

Did I really just say that. I could feel my heart beat out of my chest. It only took him a few seconds to actually decide to move.

"You sure" he said
Honestly I wasn't sure myself,but I just nodded and a smile form across my face as I patted the empty space on the bed.

"Come on before I ask the Miz instead" I joked

"So you prefer the Mike in bed with you then me" he smirked

" I .. Hey I didn't mean it like that." I said blushing

He laughed at my embarrassment
"You look very cute when you get embarrassed." He smile

Which cause me to blush even more.

"Well good night" he laughed
" umm yeah night" I mumbled
I felt him stretch over me to turn off the lamp. Making a breathing pattern quicken.

*Morning time*

I woke up the two strong arms hugging my body tightly.
I really felt comfortable in that position and I didn't want to move a disturb Ryan from sleeping.

"Hey you up" he said
"Oh your awake I didn't .."
"Im sorry I just carried away." He said moving his arm from around me.

"No it's alright I kinda like it." I said closing my eyes trying to avoid anymore embarrassing moments

But instead I felt his arm rap around me once again.

" well in that case I think we can stay like this for a little while longer." He said
I felt him pull me in closer and whispered in my ear.

"You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met. You know that know that (💕)."
he said

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