CHAPTER 3: Fiasco at the Mall, Part I

Start from the beginning

Adam was confused. Why did he have such a cold look in his eye? This was supposed to be the beautiful game, right? He put the thought in the back of his head and held out his hand and smiled. "My name is Adam!"

The boy looked at Adam's outstretched hand. "Adam, is it?" He took the hand. "The name's Everton. I'll be the team's number seven." The two broke away hands. Everton took his loaner off and looked at Adam through the corner of his eye. "I have no idea how you managed a jump like that, but there's no way that could be real. If you pull any fake shit during our season, I'll see to it you're thrown out the team. Are we clear, Adam?"

Adam put his arms behind his head and smiled. "It was all real, don't worry! I don't play fake football, Everton. I guess I'm just better than you!" He took his goggles out of his locker and slung them around his neck. "I've got somewhere to be, so I'll see you on the pitch next time. Take care now!" He grabbed his back and walked out of the locker room.

Everton just stared. Who the hell is that kid?


Gabriel kept checking his phone. The screen read 4:10. Less than an hour before the opening of the new Fox Bay Mall. Where were they?

Oh, that's right. Adam had tryouts today, huh.

Gabriel had his own problems to deal with, so there was no way he could go see Adam's tryouts. He already knew his skill though, so there wasn't any problem. Anyone would be a fool not to give Adam the chance to join their team, and Gabriel knew Fox Bay High would make it to the top in no time now.

He stood outside at the school courtyard now, seeing only a handful of students. Probably club members, he thought. This was how it was after school; only the people who needed a reason to stay, stayed. Otherwise everyone left.

As he fiddled around on his phone, he glanced over to the gate. There stood a girl and a police officer, looking like they were discussing some serious business. Gabriel had no intention to poke his nose in other people's affairs, but there was something about the girl outside that made his arm twitch. It wasn't that he began hating her or anything, just that there seemed to be something that was calling out to him, something emanating from this girl that resonated with his own inner self.

Wait a minute...I know this feeling.

He took a look at his arm, then back to the girl.

Does she...also have powers?

He clenched his fist and felt it. He'd felt this feeling before; this was a feeling he felt when he was closer to someone with the same hidden energy as he did. The last time he felt something like this was with his friends, so it had been a while.

He made a mental note to keep tabs on the girl. There was something off about the energy he had just felt. He had to keep an eye on this one.


Gabriel turned around quickly and saw his friends running towards him. He smiled. "What took you guys so long?"

Juan put his hand on Adam's shoulder. "Looks like our dear brother got himself a few haters."

Gabriel raised an eyebrow. "Haters?" Who could hate Adam?

Adam just chuckled. "They saw how much better I was compared to them and got scared!"

Gabriel grinned. "So that means you got the spot?"

"Yeah!" Adam gave a hard thumbs-up. "I even made good on my promise to Rym!"

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