Chapter 1

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6 months earlier

"Zefa, Davian, come down please" mom yelled through the house.

I looked up from my book to the door and sigh. Jimmy, my other so called mother, was coming home tonight from a two weeks long work relayed travel. Honestly, I would have rather if she not come back at all. But that was just me.

"Are we going?" Alex, my three month boyfriend asked from the end of the bed. Alex was a warlock and a nerdy guy. We met in school at the beginning of the year.

"Fine" I sighed. I got up and dragged my feet out of my room while Alex followed me closely.

"Tell me why you hate your mother again?"

"She's obnoxious, prideful, annoying and two faced with a bitchy attitude. Besides, I don't even think she knows my name." Okay, I was exaggerating a little but I was not going to tell Alex that. He had to think the worst of her so he could be ready when they meet and not run away screaming. It had happened once with one of my friends. That was the last time I brought anyone over through the front door or when Jimmy was around. The worst part was that she got along with Davy.

My brother Davian and I were sixteen year old twins. Jimmy found us during one of her missions and brought us with her to get checked out by a doctor three years ago. We were then adopted by them a few days later. I think Siana forced Jimmy to comply because I would never have pictured the lady who saved us from the streets to raise any children; but here she was with three of them.

Davian and I were shape shifters, able to change bodies into anything that is alive with a simple thought. We had no magic per say but it's not as easy as it looked because the mentality between a dog, a mosquito and a tree were totally different. The difficulty in being a shifter was not to become what we chose our bodies to be. Although, changing appearances was the easiest. I got to choose what I looked like as my neutral body.

We arrived downstairs where Davian and Siana were waiting. Davian raised an eyebrow at me when he saw my foul mood but didn't mention it. He knew I was not on greatest of terms with our Ma, but she always found ways to tick me off.

As his neutral body, Davy decided to look like a Greek Spartan; tall, blond curly hair, blue eyes and massive amount of muscles although not like Gerard Butler in 300. I on the other hand, was six feet tall with wavy platinum blond hair, green eyes and an athletic body. We always preferred to look a little alike so we didn't have to explain ourselves every time we introduced ourselves.

"Why the frown, beautiful?" mom said to me as she hooked her arm around my waist considering I was taller than her.

"Zee is moping because Ma is coming home" Davy snickered.

"Shush, you like her because she brings back gifts from everywhere she comes from" I snarled.

"That among many other things" he grinned which made me scowl.

"Enough you two, you'll have plenty of time to insult each other later" mom said. "You ready to meet my wife Alex?"

"I can't believe I am going to meet Jimhaya Hundale, Mrs. Bane. She's one of the best Huntresses in the world" Alex gulped. He look like he was going to wet his pants just by saying that. I grabbed his shaking hand and squeezed it for comfort.

"You can call me Siana when we are out of school Alex, I'm not your teacher here" mom said and Alex nodded.

"What did you tell him about Ma that got him so scared?" Davian whispered as he leaned close to me.

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