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Lolita |Lolo|

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Lolita |Lolo|

Today was Friday morning I'm pretty sure every student most likely loves Friday mornings. I mean it's the beginning of the weekend and the end of the weekdays.

Luckily this is my senior year. I'm very much excited about it to be honest. We've been in school about a mouth and I've already have work out the ass but I keep my grades together. I don't have many classes. School is one thing my momma don't play about it. She believe school starts and/or end your life. I couldn't slack off if I wanted too. So I worked hard for all that I have and won't in life.

Once getting up I got in the shower for about 30 mins. Once finished I got out grabbed my towel nd wrapped it around myself. I then did my hygiene thing. After I finished I went in to my room and picked out a matching bra nd pantie set.

Once my underwear was on I put on my clothes. I went nd put my hair in a quick knot bun. I put on my baby lips then a little baby pink lipsick and I was done. I didn't feel like going my make-up today.

I went downstairs after grabbing my things I needed for school before leaving my room and closing the door behind me. I walked in the kitchen to smell food being cooked.

"Goodmornimg momma" I said kissing her on the cheek. I sit on the island chair in front of my plate. My mother always tried to be here in the morning. I loved her for trying to be here as much as she could. Anytime I got with her was good time.

"Goodmorning baby" she said cleaning up.

"Do have to work today?!" I asked

"No why?"

"Maybe we could have a girl night you know pizza, movies, nachos, candy, soda you know the I love my sweats foods"

"Alright we can do that tonight. We haven't did that in a minute I think that would be fun to start back."

"Alright then see you tonight at...8?"

"8 it is" she said.

"Ok" I said getting up and putting my plate in the sink. Kissed her cheek nd said bye before leaving.

It took me 15-20 minutes to get to school. Once there I met up with the girls.

"Hey bitch" Danielle said. "Wassup hoe" I said hugging her and Honey. "Hey Bhoo" Honey said. "Hey Babe" I said.

"Y'all ready for that test in Mr. Machallen class? " Dani asked.

"Yes" I said.

"Bitch you always ready as for test. Me on the other hand not so much." Honey said. I laughed "No I'm not." I say. "Yes you are. You haven't got anything less than a 80 since the 9th grade how the fuck is that possible." Dani asked.

"It was an 85 and I didn't know I study. I have to much going on to be failing plus my momma don't play that."

"Tru I remember you got a D on a progress report in the 8th grade and ma seen it. Yo ass was fucked. You was in trouble for a mouth" Honey laughed while bringing back memories.

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