Grey, Sidney

145 8 4

Full Name: Sidney Jackson Grey

Alias: Mystery

Age: 27

Height: 5 foot 8

Weight: 143lb

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Date of Birth: November 8th

Blood Type: B positive

Occupation: Criminal/Assassin

Abilities: Expert at many forms of combat, gymnastics and acrobatics. Master assassin, mercenary and markswoman. Genius level intellect and expert hacker

Powers: Sidney has no powers herself but with her technology bio suit, it grants her tons of useful gadgets, multiple gun and grenade modes, jet boosters allowing her to fly, invisibility setting, and of course hacking functions.

Cynthia Lorris (Mother/Decreased)
James Grey (Father/Decreased)
Nathan West (Ex-Fiancé/Decreased)

Arkham Prison Number: 72931

Known Alliances: Penguin, Two Face, Riddler and Poison Ivy

Psychological Problems: antisocial personality disorder, obsession with calling people who are inferior to her worms and superior people as birds

Fears: Unknown. It is likely that even if she does have a fear she would get rid of it quickly.

Psychiatrist: Dr. Emma Jennings

Special Treatment: None

Background: Sidney's mother Cynthia Lorris was a leader of a street gang. Her father, James Grey was one of the people in her mother's gang that wanted to kill her off. One night, James had raped Cynthia which lead her to stab him in the head. Cynthia kept the baby as a sign to never trust anyone and kept the last name Grey on Sidney. At age 4, Cynthia had been taken to Arkham Asylum and Sidney lived on her own, mostly surviving through school and going to college (knowing how to forge her mother's signature). At age 25 she returned to Gotham from Metropolis with her fiancé, Nathan. Sidney became an officer for the GCPD but her extreme methods of catching criminals got her sent to be a guard in Arkham. Being interested in criminal minds, Sidney would easily talk to the prisoners like they were her friends. After one week of working in Arkham, she broke out Cynthia Lorris. After getting away from the police, Sidney then killed off Cynthia, stating that Gotham is only for the birds, not the worms. Sidney later robbed a Wayne Tech delivery truck and stole the technology inside to make her bio suit, perfecting the technology. She then started her lifestyle of being a mercenary for hire, a technology thief, and a "exterminator of worms"

(Max: 6) Danger Level
Without bio suit: 4
With bio suit: 6

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