16. A happy ever after

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A few years later:

No ones POV:

As everyone walks into the hospitalroom they all begin to smile at the seight.

Regina is happily lying in the bed with a hugging Roland beside her. And on the other side sits Robin. With the new little life in his arms.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Emma asks. "We're okay, I think." Robin answers and smiles to Regina. "Little Ella is asleep now. Finally." and they laugh.

"Hey, so now we're al here. Hook and I wanted to tell you something." Emma says. "What is it? Are you pregnant? Hook, if Emma's pregnant, you're going to die!" David says, anger groing in his eyes. "David, easy. They love each other. It's okay." Mary Margaret says. Then she pulls David a bit back.

"No dad, I'm not pregnant. We. Uhm. We're going to marry, he proposed to me a few days ago." and she looks happily at Hook while he kisses her cheek. "Oh wow! Congrats!" Regina says a bit to loud.

"Regina of Locksley! You woke our little Ella!" Robin says as he grins. They all look at the baby as she opens her eyes. "Aw, her eyes twinkle!" Snow says smiling. "By the way, congrats Emma and Hook! I'm so happy!" and she gives them a group hug.

A few months later

"I do." Emma whispers. And then Killian leans in and kisses her. They smile in the kiss as everyone begins to shout and cheer. "Wooooooo!!! Our little girl is married! Can you believe it David? She's married now!" Snow shouts and cheers too. They all begin to laugh.

"A beautiful wedding for a beautiful couple." They all hear and they all turn around. "Rumpelstiltskin? What are you doing here? I thought you were to busy to come." Rose says.

"I know, but. Ehm. How do I say this. Belle and I are father and mother now. The little boy is born. His name is Thomas." and he begin to smile wide.

"Wooooo! Do you hear that Henry?! We have a new uncle!!" Rose shouts as she begins to jump and fistbump Henry. They begin to laugh. "Yup, totally my children." Emma says and kisses Killian again. "I have to go back to Belle, bye!" Rumple says and he magically transport away.

Now, after a few years they all live happy in Storybrooke. Regina, Robin, Roland and little Ella. Snow, David and Neal. Rumple, Belle and little Thomas. Everything is normal again. Nothing evil to tear everyone apart. Nothing to take people to the darkness. No villains who want to destroy everones happy endings. Everyone is happy. Espacially Hook and Emma. They welcome the newest inhabitant of Storybrooke. Their baby from just a few days old. Their girl named Teresa. Rose and Henry are also very happy now. Rose has her happy ever after. And she deserved it, after everything she's been trough. But what no one knows is that Little Ella, little Thomas and little Teresa will become best friends and save everyone if something happens. But that is a whole different story. We'll hear that maybe another time.

This was Lost and Found, about a girl who lost her happiness and found it again. About family, love and happy endings. This was their story.

The End.

A/N. OMG! This is it! The last chapter! I really want to thank all my readers! As you saw, I used the names Thomas and Teresa as baby names, The Mazerunner . I didn't know how I should name the Outlaw Queen baby, so I used my friend @onceuponativastory / @AlonaTalGirl 's name; Ella . Go follow her for Supernatural and NCIS fanfiction :). Thank you all again for reading! (Btw, I know, my name is Roos, dutch for Rose, but Rose' story from this book is not real. So you don't have to worry or something like that .

P.S. Please go follow me on IG: @onceuponadarksavior @onceuponadarksavior

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