14. Rose her story

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POV Rose:

"Hey, you alright?" Henry asks as he sits beside me. "I slept bad, but I think I'm okay now." "Uhm, it's kinda weird. But my mom, Emma, told me a few days ago something. I think you're my sister." he says looking at me.I smile, they know, can I be part of a family again? Can I be happy? "I know." I whisper. "You know? Since when?" he asks. "It's kinda weird actually. I woke up one day and i just knew I had to find my real family. A few days later I left my foster family. Then a dove landed before my feet and it had a card. Which said Storybrooke. Then somehow i blacked out and woke up at the townline. I think those Queens of Darkness brought me there because when I stepped over the line i saw them." I told him. "Wow, but what happened to your foster family?" "I grew up in an orphanage. I was never adopted until I was 10 years old.
Two adults and their daughter. They wanted another child but couldn't get it trough birth, so they wanted to adopted someone about their daughter's age. They choose me." "Why did you left?"
"Well, it's really complicated. My foster sister, her name was Emily, and I walked home after school. She wasn't paying attention at the cars on the road. Suddenly a truck came from nowhere and hit her. She died. She was my only friend I had. Her mother, my foster mother was so upset, she also blamed me for it. She hit me. The next few weeks were terrible. They couldn't just send me back to the orphanage. So I had to stay with them. Things on school only got worse. People started bullying me. I-I still have some scars." I told Henry quietly. Then the tears started building up in my eyes and started to fall. "I'm sorry." Henry whispered and hugged me.

"My foster mothet became depressed and did suicide. My foster father had an alcohol problem since Emily's death. I left in the middle of the night and wanted to find my real family, somewhere where I wouldn't have problems. A new start was what I needed." I smiled softly at him. "You know, I should take us to our mom, you can talk to her." he smiled at me and took me out of Granny's

I'm so so so sorry for not uploading for so long!!! I really had no idea what I should write.... Btw, I think that this story is almost about to end. But I can asure you, it really will become a happy ending :).

Question: Who do you guys ship??? I really want to know!

Bye awesome Oncers!!!!

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