Ch. 9: New Colleagues

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"Fire & Ice" (Revised for Wattpad), Ch. 9: New Colleagues, August 16, 2015 Gratiana Lovelace

(An original story copyrighted by Gratiana Lovelace, 2015; all rights reserved)

[From time to time, I will illustrate my story with images of actors representing my dream cast--including Richard Armitage as Thomas Kane and Anne Hathaway as Caroline Walters, Doris Roberts as Mrs. Burns, Tim Gamble as Peter Wendt, Brian Protherore as Martin, Mary McDonnell as Mary, Seth Green as Todd, Raven Symone as Fiona, and Logan Lerman as Allen, and others as noted in the image credits.] [(1) "Fire & Ice" story logo]

Author's Mature Content Note: "Fire & Ice" is romantic thriller story with mature themes (D for drama, S for sensuality, and V for violence) of love and relationships. Most chapters will be PG or PG-13. However, if you are unable or unwilling to attend a movie with the ratings that I provide, then please do not read that chapter. This is my disclaimer.

Author's Recap from the previous chapter: Sunday was a wonderful family day for Thomas, Caroline, and their son Trevor--full of precious moments. One might say that Thomas has had a baptism by fire in being a dad. But he is relishing it and his renewed love with his beloved Caroline. However, Thomas does clue Caroline into the fact that the person who drove a wedge between them--Paul Foster--works in their building as another Division Chief--and that Caroline and Thomas will have to watch out for Foster as she begins working in Thomas Division on Monday.

"Fire & Ice", Chapter 9: New Colleagues

After dropping Trevor off with their next door neighbor and sitter Mrs. Burns on Monday morning, Thomas drives he and Caroline in to work for the first time at The Company. In their building's security controlled parking lot, Thomas notices that his car is still there from when he left it Friday night when he took Caroline home in her car after her injury. He had no qualms in that regard--for obvious reasons, not the least of which are the watch towers that over look the parking lot and the guards with machine guns at hand.

Theirs is a steel and glass office building complex much like any other. But with a significant difference with regard to heightened internal and external security, clear airspace for five miles surrounding them, and a bunker buried deep underground should they come under attack. Their work is so top secret, that no one but their seasoned late fifties Director Peter Wendt knows everything that goes on there. The information silos are intentional, so that no one person would have the power that that knowledge would engender.

Thomas and Caroline make no pretense of not coming in to work together as they enter the building. They stand in line together at the check-in point to have their badges and fingerprints scanned and Thomas carries Caroline's briefcase for her since she won't be able to use her left hand for four to six weeks. Thomas nods at some of his colleagues who were on the Search Committee and who know that Caroline is their new hire. Then, Thomas and Caroline buy coffees at the cafeteria and then take them to their office spaces in their Division's suite of offices. Thomas sets Caroline's briefcase down for her on her desk and she sits down and sips her coffee. Thomas goes to his office space in the middle of the Division Suite and pulls out Caroline's personnel file and checks his email while sipping his coffee. No peck on the cheek, they are keeping things strictly professional.

Very soon, more of their coworkers arrive—the other five Senior Analysts, two clerical workers, and their computer slash technology geek. Thomas calls Peter Wendt, the Director, and fills him in on his and Caroline's game plan for introducing her this morning. Thomas will meet with Caroline at 8:30am, and then introduce her to the team in the conference room with Peter attending at 9:00am. Monday mornings are usually busy because of catching up with what happened internationally over the weekend--espionage never sleeps. So, adding a new hire and the extra work that entails on top of it can be a little stressful. Thomas hopes that things will go smoothly this morning.

"Fire & Ice"  by Gratiana Lovelace (Revised for Wattpad, 2015)  (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now