Chapter 6

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Joey walked up the stairs, fixing his belt with a sastified smile on his face.

I layed in Danny's bed unmoving, until I heard Joey's bedroom door shut. I jumped up from the bed, pulling on one of Danny's t shirts on, and ran over to him.

"Danny." I whispered, shaking his shoulder. "Danny, wake up, please."

He stirred, and slowly opened his eyes. "Sky?" He moaned.

I smiled, and let out a breathe of air. He's okay.

He tried sitting up, but was instantly met with pain. "Ow! Fuck!" He hissed.

"Joey got you bad, huh?" I tucked a strand of my brown hair behind my ear, then moved some hair from his pale blue eyes.

"I don't give two shits about me right now. What happened?" He took my hand in his, squeezing it gently.

I looked at anything that could keep me from meeting his intense stare.

"He raped you...Didn't he?" Hissed Danny.

I slowly nodded my head, as the tears fell again.

"I'll fucking kill him." He growled, trying to lift himself from the floor.

"No! You're going to heal." I got up, and wrapped my arms very gingerly around his waist, to help him up.

Once I got him onto his bed, I sat on the edge of. It now holds good, and bad memories. The bad ones I want to forget.

I felt a hand on my waist, and I looked up to meet Danny's pale blue eyes full of sadness.

"You okay?" He asked me.


"He won't touch you again. I won't let that happen." He practically growled.

I ran a hand through his silky dark hair. "Just worry about healing right now. Joey's satisfied for now."

"I don't care. There's still a chance he'll do it again," He closed his eyes after taking my hand and twining our fingers. Danny then, put an arm over his eyes before continuing. "I just hope I'm better when that time comes."

"I'm sure you will be." I leaned forward, taking his arm away from his eyes, and pressed my lips lightly to his.

He put a hand on the back of my neck, keeping me there, as our lips moved in sync.

His tounge glided across my bottom lip, and I granted him entrance.

I untangled our fingers, and I cupped his beautiful face in my hands. I then, pulled his face away from mine so I could breathe, but, his lips never left my sensitive skin. He was kissing along my jaw, neck, shoulder. He even bit me a couple times before moving back to my lips.

All the kisses, and bites, sent my heart into a frenzy. I don't know what it was about his kisses, but, they just shot volts of electricity through me, raising goosebumps on my arms.

Danny started to raise the shirt up from my thigh.

I pulled away from him, thinking of his bruises. "Danny," I gasped. "stop."

His breath was just as heavy as mine. "Why?"

"You're going to get hurt."

"I don't care." He leaned forward to kiss me again, but I leaned back.

I can't have him getting hurt, just so he can pleasure me. No, no. That's not how I work.

"No, Danny." I pushed his face away while giggling.

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