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So if you didn't know by now, i was a big Melian shipper. The day i found out they broke up absolutely ripped me in pieces. They both seemed so perfect for each other i just never understood why they decided to break up. But as this past year went on and i saw that they were still really close it has made me feel alot better about them two. I especially like how they never deleted any pics or vlogs of each other. I respect their decision to just remain friends.

One thing that has pissed me off lately is that alot of other shippers in the fandom tend to be like "lol why do people ship melian still?" The reason we still ship melian is because we simply want to and we loved them chemestry they had. We don't tell you not to ship Ianthony or Iancorn, so don't tell us we can't ship melian. The lamest excuse for them is "its weird shipping them because they're not dating anymore." But yet these same people are always like "shisa is forever!" Soooo why is shisa so different? Like i get shisa has a way bigger chance of getting back together than melian but, if it's weird shipping people who are no longer together but shisa is okay, you sound pretty hypocritical (nothing against shane and lisa love them to death just trying to make a point). Moral of this is, people can ship who they want, you can't tell someone not to ship a pairing because you don't like it. Do not make fun of someone who ships something you don't like.

Also what pisses me off is how people are now hating on Mel claiming she's not making videos because Ian is no longer her bf and he was the reason for her views. Okay, first of all, Melanie has said multiple times the only reason she made the channel was because of us pressuring her into making one and because she likes to take on challenges. She knew fans were bugging her and ian to make a channel so she finally gave them what they want. Both her and Ian weren't so public with their relationship to begin with. Before they broke up Melanie didn't post a video on her channel for about a month. After the break up she waited almost 9 months to finally post again. She needed time to get her life starting again, moving to NY, she just needed time for herself. Like to me she didn't tweet as often within those months. And yes, i will admit most people who watched her were for Ian but alot of Ian's fans, were also her fans. We didn't love her videos for Ian, we loved her videos because of her, as a separate person. If she continues to post or not that's her decision and i respect it. But do not say she used Ian for views.

Don't even get me started about the "Ian never seemed happy with her anyway." Type of people. I am going go say this again THEY KEPT THEIR RELATIONSHIP MORE PRIVATE! We did not see what was going on when they were together. And the only reason he looked bored in the vlogs was because he was not used to having a camera in his face on his days off. Ian may be a goofball on Smosh but when he was with Melanie he was more calm. You could tell he wanted his time with Melanie to himself. Oh and if Ian was never happy with Mel, he wouldn't have spent 7 years with her! Even now when they hang out as friends they don't really film themselves, meaning they still want their friendship to be private.

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