Chapter Three

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I was still in complete shock that the queen had just been seen in that horrific scene. Had the book somehow hijacked her body form or had she shot video like how Jennifer Aniston shoots those plane adverts?

"Phil..." I slowly said. How would I phrase this? Hey Phil, did the queen talk to you. I let my hand skim over the soft bed and I tried to soothe myself. My head spun from all of dreadful thoughts that filled it. Every bad thought imaginable somehow crawled into my mind and dug it's claws. My brain hurt from all of the dreadful ideas.

"Dan, What the hell? If you don't want to be friends you should just say!" But Phil didn't say Dan and he didn't say hell. The words are two bad for me to repeat. I stared at him. what could make him act this way? Anger seemed to throttle at my throat. I felt my eyes begin to feel tight in my skull. I fell backwards onto the bed. I tried to inhale but it was impossible. Something must be clouding my vision. Something...

When I opened the book I was standing up and I never actually moved in the real world. Phil! He must still be in the book. I rolled over desperately and fell off of the bed. I winced as my empty breathe was taken out of my lungs. I saw Phil's cupboard door wide open.

"Phil!" I tried to scream but all the came out was a swallowed whisper. Stars started to surround me.

Now, I don't know if this actually happened or if it was my fading imagination but this is what I saw:

Phil flipped out of the open cupboard and knocked his evil self out with the nearest object he could find (his foot) and proceeded to roundhouse kick the cupboard door shut.

It was only then when the stars cleared. Evil Phil was no longer collapsed on the floor and Real Phil was sitting on his bed.

That was pretty cool, I thought.

I pushed my body forward in an attempt to stand up... I failed. My limp form collapsed on itself. Blackness seemed to come at me from every direction. I blinked a couple times before giving up and passing out on the wooden floor.

My dream wasn't exactly a happy one. In my dream I was in the same room I was just in except it had a few minor changes. What I hoped was red paint splattered the walls. The bed sheets were ripped to pieces and shattered glass littered the floor like a bin had toppled through the window. Fire. That came next. A wave of heat cascaded over me and thick smoke billowed over my head. It took me a minute to realise that the smoke was coming from outside.

I stepped through the broken window and onto the balcony where i saw the most horrific view. All of the buildings and towers that had once surrounded us were fallen. Fire and fumes washed over the streets. Distant screams were heard.

I look back into the room and suddenly a gust of heavy wind shot straight at me. My feet were lifted off the ground and over the balcony's edge. The last thing I remembered was falling...

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