Chapter Two

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"And Phil." She said.

I breathed a sigh of relief. I loved that woman's clever envelope choosing skills. I wanted to hug Phil but that would be wrong in a time of panic. The last pair was chosen and we were shown to our strange rooms. 

There were two double beds in the room like a hotel. The lights were like lava lamps hanging from the ceiling. The windows were the size of the walls with purple curtains that were made of - what looked like - silk.

When I examined the bathroom I was even more perplexed than we were before. The bath was yellow with several blue taps. When I tried them out one of them poured out ocean coloured liquid, one poured what I assumed was normal water and the other poured out a flower smelling liquid the colour of rain clouds.

There was a separate room that dried you after having a bath. It blew warm air directly at you while the floor change colour and pattern.

I looked at the room service menu. There were items that looked as if they could have been on the famous Titanic's dinner menu.

 fried egg and slices of parmesan cheese with a side of tomato and garlic bread

They made my mouth water and want to order something. I frowned. Was this compensation for the fact we might die? I walked over to the beds. Above them were white wood cupboards. I opened mine to see a thick book with the title reading:


In any other situation I'd imagine this book being a cheesy celebrity book about the ups and downs of life. However, then, I just knew what it would be about. The cover was slightly dusty with golden patterns that seemed to cascade over the silver text. The book seemed somehow magical but with an aura of death. I opened the book to the first page. I let my finger gently brush against the imprinted text. I didn't realise what I was doing until it was too late.

Images flashed into my mind of people I recognized. The setting was snowy and cold like a Christmas carol gone wrong. The trees were coated in a think layer of crunchy snow that would fall to the ground every time the wind blew. Noise like a plane taking off made my ears pop and bubble furiously. Everything seemed to be in slow motion.

A woman with fiery red hair sprinted down the path I was standing on. In slow motion you could see everything about her. I walked up to her and saw her face properly. Her eyes reflected the panic in my soul. Cuts and grazes littered her face as if shed fallen face first on broken glass. A mixture of blood and sweat dripped from the tip of her nose.

Suddenly it went into fast motion. I jumped back in surprise. The woman had run about ten meters. A man with a knife had come round the corner and threw the knife. It hit her back. Her body went lifeless and suddenly everything froze like the setting I was in. Her limp body was stuck in mid air. The knife protruded from her back and the area around her clothes were damp with scarlet liquid.

I looked back at the man. I felt anger boil in my veins. His eyes were bloodshot but if you looked closer enough, if you stared at him for long enough you could see the sadness his body radiated. The scene played again in slow motion. The woman's body slammed against the snow and the man collapsed onto his knees. He looked broken.

Once more, the scene froze.

"Tomorrow, take the train." Said a voice behind me. I looked around to see someone I'd never expect. Who knew the queen would be apart of this? She wore lime green clothes and stared right at me. This didn't make any sense.

If this was a video game I would have -1 mind. If anything could describe me right now would be a glass brain. A glass brain being smashed against the corpse of that poor red-haired woman. 

Snap. Suddenly I was snapped back into reality and the book had closed itself violently. I put it back in the cupboard and closed the door. I sat down on my bed and saw that Phil was sitting opposite me.

"Did you read the book?" He asked. Click. I realised that all the time I had been in this room I hadn't seen Phil even though he entered at the same time I did. It was like you couldn't see your roommate unless you had read the book. Seen the book? Whichever worked.

"Yes." I replied with remorse. Suddenly I wondered what he saw. "What did you see?"

"Blonde woman killed some rabbits and then trapped a man in a trap." He replied. That was so much more detailed than my scene. I wondered if the scene changed depending on what book you had. Or perhaps it change to what would drive you insane? Or maybe both.

"We're going to die, aren't we?" I said. Phil looked me in the eyes trying to see if I was joking. Maybe he hoped I was playing a prank on him to shoot a video. I definitely wasn't. Was someone else playing a prank on us? Were they trying to drive us mad?

If they were: It was working.

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