King Of Hearts (Epilogue)

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"Ethan, you're late," My mother said. When it comes down to it, I doubt my mother blames Ethan, she probably blamed the black sheep of the family Edward.

"I'm sorry Mrs Grey, it feels horrible, tell me you'll still give your daughters fair hand in marriage to me." He pleaded. I could hear the flirtatious voice he used on my mother and it didn't bother me.

Laughing behind her, I informed him, "Holy matrimony sounds better."

"Ah, I'm not too late, my fair bride awaits!"

"Hold up bucko," My mum said firmly stopping him from entering the house, "You are too late. Her father refuses."

"Refuse what?" My dad called from the kitchen.

"Hah!" Ethan said triumphantly entering the house. "You look stunning, Mrs Grey," Ethan complimented my mum looking at me, catching his slip of tongue he stutters, "Grey."

I laugh, twirling in the red gown. I hadn't done my hair at Adeline's today, instead I got darker highlights put in. My red gown looked just as beautiful as when I first saw it. Ethan hugged me and my dad entered the hallway to see us. Not bothered in the slightest at the scene, he held up his DSLR camera. "I want pictures!" He declared.

"Wait, her dress isn't complete!" Ethan quickly searched his pockets. Ethan looked good in a suit. Instead of wearing a tie, he wore a read collared shirt inside, three buttons undone. Somehow, we managed to coordinate. He pulled out a red box, the kind you put rings in.

"Please tell me you weren't serious about a wedding ring?" I blurted out.

Ethan laughed, "You look like a tomato."

"Shush." I could feel our parents watching us, both equally curious to see what Ethan had gotten. He bent down on one knee and I realised that he didn't deny it was a ring. I could feel my heart racing as much as I knew in my gut I loved Ethan I can't imagine getting married to him. I didn't dare look at my parents. When I thought of getting married, I always imagined it to be in some place private, away from my parents.

"Ivy Grey, You're the princess of my heart and I thought it was only fitting for you to have this." My throat caught as he opened up the box to reveal necklace. Then I started laughing, I took it up, it was a pendant of a heart with the engraving "Ethan." I hugged him holding the necklace. He had given me his heart. For a full minute I couldn't stop the grin that burst from my face as I realised the pun then I burst out laughing.

"He gave me his heart." I told my parents laughing. Taking the necklace away from me, I could feel his fingers on my neck and he put the golden chain around my neck. I stopped laughing but I let out a giggle every now and then as I thought of the irony in it. I touched the red heart, I could feel the camera's flash going off. I looked up at him, "Thank you," I said trying not to burst into laughter. My mother came closer inspecting the heart and she let out a light laugh.

It was perfectly Ethan the whole irony of it.

I heard the horn blare patiently outside.

My mother groaned, she headed outside. Several moments later she came inside. "Are you sure you don't want us to drop you off?" She asked.

"It's fine," I cut in, Ethan looked at me.

"It isn't," Ethan protested, "Trust me, he's horrible."

"It's fine mum," I told her. Firmly.

My father didn't let us go so soon, as the camera man of the night, my father took pictures of posing, at one point, Ethan leans into my ear and said, "I never thought I'd get this lucky. On the other hand, I'd think we're both better off getting a lift from your mother."

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