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Avi's POV

She's adorable.

Kirstie had taken me along with her to go shopping, and honestly I had the best time. Who knew I was so talented in picking out women's clothes? Anyways, Kevin was at Scomiche's house filming a Superfruit video, so Kirstie invited me to hang out at her apartment for a while.

Of course I said yes.

We both sat on the couch listening to some music she put on in the background, but I couldn't make out who it was. Was it... Kina Grannis?

I'd hate to have another awkward silence moment with her, so I actually started a conversation.

Don't mess it up, my conscience said, or you'll regret it.

Ugh, why is this so difficult?

"I had a great time shopping with you today Kirst. It was really fun." She looked at me and gave her famous crooked smile that I adored.

"I did too, it was kind of nice shopping without Scott and Mitch. Not that I don't love shopping with them. It's just good to try different things, you know?" She said as she played with Olaf. I was glad that Jeremy let Kirst keep Olaf, she would of been a complete mess without him.

We weren't as close to each other as she was with Scott and Mitch, so I couldn't just come out and ask certain things to her, even though I wanted to. But I wanted to know how she was coping from her breakup with Jeremy. She's never been the type of person that is open to talking about personal matters all the time, so she can say one thing when she's feeling the complete opposite.

I tried my best to choose my words as carefully as I could.

"Hey Kirst? How are you feeling?"

She looked up from Olaf's fur and made a soft "hmm?" before registering what I had said. "Oh, I'm doing fine, thank you."

"I meant how are you feeling after.... your breakup with Jeremy."

Suddenly her whole demeanor changed. Shit, I upset her. Nice going idiot.

She stuttered out her words at first, which made me unhappy. "O-oh, um, I'm doing fine. Our relationship ended on good terms so there's nothing to fret about, you know?"

He said that he would always love you, and that you'll never drift apart. Everyone was there, he promised you Kirst.

Those were the words I was too afraid to say out loud, so I just said it to myself. I wouldn't want to risk upsetting her again.

So instead I said something everyone says to a person who had just went through a break up:

"I'm sorry that happened to you, but you can learn from it, right?"

She gave me a slight nod and proceeded to walk into the kitchen.

Great, now it's awkward.

I watched her take out some cooking supplies before she asked "Do you want some cupcakes?"

She knows me so well.

I smiled and got up to walk where she was and said: "I'll do you one better, how about I bake it with you?"

She smiled when I said that.

And so it began, the calm and steady work of making the cupcake batter caused a comfortable silence to be placed around us, following the soft tunes of Kirstie's playlist on shuffle.

Everything was okay, until a certain song started playing.

Kirstie smiled and sighed, "I love this song", and started to sing softly;

Standing in a crowded room and I can't see your face
Put your arms around me, tell me everything's okay
In my mind, I'm running round a cold and empty space
Just put your arms around me, tell me everything's okay

I soon caught on to what song she was singing and started to sing along:

Break my bones but you won't see me fall, oh
The rising tide will rise against them all, oh

Darling, hold my hand
Oh, won't you hold my hand?
'Cause I don't wanna walk on my own anymore
Won't you understand?

'Cause I don't wanna walk alone
I'm ready for this, there's no denying
I'm ready for this, you stop me falling I'm ready for this,
I need you all in
I'm ready for this, so darling, hold my hand

We continued to sing together, Kirstie dancing around the kitchen with a bright smile on her face, and I laughed at how cute she was. I could even see Olaf watching us from the corner of my eye.

I wished that the song would of lasted forever, so that we would stay like this. Singing, dancing, and just being our carefree selves.

But, our fun did not last, because as soon as it began, our song ended.
It took Kirstie a while to calm down, but once she did it was back to quietly humming whatever song came next.

"Kirst, you got some flour on your cheek."

"Huh, where? Can you get it? My hands are dirty."

I carefully swiped my thumb across her cheek and saw her blush an intense red. I guess she likes it. Interesting.

"T-thank you Avi." She stuttered after I got all of the flour off of her cheek. We both just laughed it off like it never happened, but I felt a little tension as more time went by.

45 minutes later~

Ding Ding! The oven went off, saying that our cupcakes were done. Kirstie hopped up to get the oven mitts and took out the cupcakes as carefully as possible.

"They look great", she said with a smile, "I can't wait to eat these."

"Took the words right out of my mouth."

Then she started to laugh, and it was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. Cheesy, I know, but have you ever had a time where other people's happiness brings you happiness? That's how I feel with the guys, our friends, our family, and Pentaholics.

And also, my Kirstie.

I was glad she asked me to go shopping today.

I know, I know, I posted a short little drabble on my birthday and not a real chapter. I apologize, honestly. But I've been working on this for a long time but just never had a chance to finish it until tonight. After my birthday I had a lot of summer work to complete (don't procrastinate kids) and I got into other fandoms so I've been reading more than writing. I also started school yesterday so that's taken a toll on me.

Anyways, what I wanted to tell you guys was that since I got into these new fandoms and I've become obsessed with them and Pentatonix is not the main focus on my mind anymore, (I will still buy their album and support them, they're just not my #1 fandom like they used to be.) I wanted to write stories for them for a while. I was actually thinking of just posting this chapter and going m.i.a for a while until I saw a comment on my wall from a reader named @kaviously saying that they are obsessed with peekaboo. It hit me that I can't just abandon this story because I have readers who love this book and get excited whenever I quit being lazy for a while and post an update.

I will have my separate account, but that does not mean Peekaboo is on hold. I'll still update, of course, and I'll try to not leave a huge gap between the updates.

Sorry if this makes no sense, my brain was just bursting full of things to say because I didn't want to use a bad tone?

This is also the last long author's note I'll make haha

Goodbye for now! - Alissa x

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