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Kirstie's POV

Why is my heart beating so quickly?

Avi had agreed with accompanying me at the mall, just so I can have someone's opinion on things. I'm one of those people who spots something cute and instantly purchases it. The amount of times I have returned clothes you would think I gave away my closet.

So someone to shop with.... was really necessary.

We made our way to the mall, not losing much time since LA traffic was at a minimum for today. Bless you, patient drivers. The mall is about 20 minutes from my home, 40 if traffic is bad. Surprisingly we arrived earlier than expected, and the first thing Avi said was food related.

"Are the pretzels here good?" he queried, his green eyes locking on my brown ones. Earlier, I had already came to the conclusion that if Avi came with me; I would buy more food than clothes. We went over to the pretzel stand and bought our snack.

I took my time eating watching Avi, who apparently can eat many pretzels in one sitting. The man loves food so much, I wouldn't be surprised if he ate mine too! Eventually we finished and here came the awkward part: shopping.

"What stores do you usually shop at?" Avi inquired as I walked in front of him. Usually Scott and Mitch would take me to this thrifty store they found or make me order clothes online. I rarely order clothes because I like to try them on first before I buy it. I'm also very impatient.

"Let's try American Eagle?" I said, turning back to see his repsonse. He smiled and nodded back, what a good sport.

We made it inside the store and I immediately gravitated towards the accessories. I was glad Avi was there, because he was quick to prevent me from grabbing half of the display.

"Kirst, do you really need that? You're not the one with a septum piercing, Mitch is." I had a fake septum ring in my hand and looked down at it. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't even wear it, I have too many piercings as it is.

"It's cute." I muttered as I put back the ring. Avi had walked over to where the overalls were and began to browse them. I pretended to be looking at some shoes and secretly watched what he was doing. He picked up some overalls, a shirt... Was he picking out an outfit for me?

I smiles to myself as I watched him focusing on making sure that everything matched. Scott and Mitch did this all the time, since this is a normal thing we always do. But because Avi's doing it, it just feels different.

There you go with the emotions again, Kirst.

I stopped watching him in case anyone thought that I was some creepy stalker or something. Because that's totally not the case.


A little while later he came over and handed me the clothes he picked out. "I was just fooling around and picked this out." He smiled and handed me the clothes which I thanked him greatfully for.

I don't know how, but he knew my size. I got my outfit on with ease and I braced myself for going out there. I looked at the mirror behind me and took a long stare at myself. I never really had insecurity problems as a teen, since I had friends like Scott and Mitch by my side. Because of them, I've always been confident in how I looked and wore my outfits with pride.

I smiled to myself and walked out to show Avi. He had that gorgeous smile on his face that made me all giddy inside. I felt like how Cinderella did when she entered the ball, when all eyes turned to look at her. And I had a handsome prince too. Well not really.
Don't tell him I said that.

"You look amazing, Kirst." He stuttered. I don't think I've stopped smiling ever since we've arrived here. I chuckled quietly and requested that he'd pick out some more outfits for me. I helped out of course. We spent some time in there and a few other stored before we decided to call it a day and head back to my apartment.

I was really glad I asked him to go shopping with me.

Scott's POV

Do you think it worked?

Mitch kept asking me the same question as I was editing this week's Superfruit, guest starring Kevin. We had lied to Kirstie saying that we had to take Wyatt to the vet so she could have no choice but to go with Avi. Thank Kevin for the genious plan.

I shrugged in response since I haven't spoken to Kirstie since she called us earlier today. Suddenly Kevin exclaimed "I got a text from Avi!" and I could of sworn Mitch almost fell out of his seat. He is so obsessed with love and relationships but doesn't have one himself.

Or does he?

"What does the text say?" Mitch cried out and sat next to Kevin. I was a little curious too so I got up and stood behind him. You could tell how anxious we were just by looking at us.
It felt like forever, but Kevin finally read the text aloud to us.

"Just came from the mall with Kirstie, at her house now. Don't worry about dinner tonight, cooking with Kirstie soon. -Avi." As soon as Kevin finished reading the text aloud, Mitch was so excited he jumped up and started dancing. "Your plan is going great, Kervy!" he praised him while Kevin started laughing.

"You've got a lot of energy today." I said while going to finish the Superfruit video. Mitch just shrugged it off and kept dancing like he did when he was drunk, and Kevin decided to turn on music and film it for snapchat. And of course I did the same, who wouldn't?

Let's hope this plan works.

And after several years, I finally decide to update. I don't even have an excuse I've just been really lazy and I did bits and pieces throughout my vacation. Forgive me. Superfruit's 2 year anniversary was yesterday so enjoy the above video. It's outdated but c'mon.

I didn't proofread sorry not sorry

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