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Mitch is going to kill me.

As soon as Mitch sat up, we all dropped our pillows and waited for the rant that was yet to come. But there wasn't one this time. Instead, Mitch picked up the pillow he was laying on and threw it at someone. Due to me not paying attention, I hadn't noticed that the person was me. My posture was a little off too, so I ended up falling on the floor.

The boys erupted into laughter, Kevin being the one to make the others laugh even more. I felt my cheeks warm up as my embarrassment showed. Then, Avi came over to me and offered his hand to help me up. I took his hand and stood up, seeing that the boys are now quiet and staring at me.

We were still holding hands.

"I ship it." Mitch teased, which caused me to roll my eyes. Yes, I used to have a crush on Avi during the Sing Off.. but I have Jeremy. I love Jeremy. Do you really love him, or is he a cover up for your true feelings? My conscience always likes to do this. I let go of Avi's hand and replied to Mitch.

"Very funny, Mitch. I have a boyfriend." I couldn't help but steal a glance at Avi. There was something different about him, I could tell. He had a normal expression on his face, but his eyes.. looked a bit darker. Was he hurt? Why would he be hurt by this, there's no way he...

Avi interrupted my thoughts by rushing Scott and Mitch to get dressed, so I walked out of their room. Soon Avi and Kevin joined me on the couch, and found things to distract ourselves with on our phones. I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we were all thankful for that.

× Later On ×

After a successful day of planning and organizing some songs for the album, we went out to celebrate at Friday's. I started picking at my macaroni and cheese and tuning out the conversations happening around me. Maybe I chose the wrong time to do that, my conscience noted to me.

Scott had spoken to me, and since I didn't answer, everyone turned to me. "Scott said would you like to come to the party we're all having tomorrow night?" Mitch smirked, amused by the lost expression on my face. I quickly thought of an excuse to get me out of the party. Don't get me wrong, I love these guys more than anything. It's just that my guy.. He's not acting the same and I don't know why.

I gave them a grin and swallowed my macaroni to say that I couldn't go because I wanted to figure out Jeremy's strange behavior. They understood, but I couldn't help but feel selfish.

We spoke for a little while before I got a text from Jeremy saying that he's outside. I asked him to pick me up today so at least he'll be forced to talk to me.

I got up from the table and hugged everyone as a goodbye. They all watched me leave the restaurant and head toward Jeremy's car. He saw me come closer and grinned, unlocking the car for me to get in.

I got inside, and greeted him with a kiss. This may sound cheesy, but I don't think he's really into it. I can't keep blaming it on how tired he may be, I need to speak to him.

Don't do it now, wait until later. I nodded to the statement my conscience, Jeremy not taking heed to what I just did.

Can't help but have a bad feeling about this.

Whatever was going to happen, wasn't going to end well.

I couldn't agree more.


She's so beautiful.

After Kirstie disappeared into Jeremy's car, the boys suddenly turned to look at me. They all had this smirk on their face that I couldn't understand.

Kevin was the first to speak up. "Dude, if you kept staring at her for any longer, I think she would had noticed." Scott chimed in, saying: "I still don't know why you've kept this from her for so long. You had a chance to tell her how you feel."

I sighed, knowing what he said was true, but I had a good reason for not telling her. We're in a band together and she's already got a boyfriend. She already has someone to cuddle next to at night, and to tell her that he loves her. I couldn't help but imagine that the person was me.

Mitch came to my aid by answering for me. "He probably is held back by the face that Kirstie has Jeremy. But, Kirstie has been telling me that they are having some problems"  He sang the last word, which made me grin.

"I can't be happy that Kirstie and Jeremy are having relationship issues. It feels wrong." I shook my head, picking up some french fries. I didn't even know I had any left. Mitch pouted at my response. Scott and Kevin nodded. "You two are perfect for each other, I just know  that Kirstie has some feelings for you.  Did you see when she blushed after you helped her up?" Scott was now trying to help Mitch convince me to be happy about the situation but I just couldn't be. Maybe I was, but I would never admit it.

After some time, we all paid the bill and left the restaurant. In the car, Kevin had brought up the same conversation that happened in Friday's.

"I'm not an expert like Mitch, but I can tell that Kirstie isn't happy about her relationship with Jeremy. She's always thinking about something whenever we're all together. I think she's just as confused as you." I couldn't agree more with Kevin's words. She seemed troubled by it, and I remembered how her hand felt in mine.

It was perfect.

I can't believe I just wrote 1,000 words for this chapter. You guys deserve it, thank you so much for voting and reading my story. This is also in honor of Kirstie's 23rd birthday. Happy Birthday Kirstie! This was supposed to be up on Thursday, but Wattpad deleted my draft :(.

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