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Autumn pov

I was on the phone when Toto ran out the door before I could put his leash on "shit Layla I got to go call you back Toto ran out the door" I say and hang up the phone.

I stud up with the leash in my hand and ran out the I was going to be in so much trouble "Toto" I yelled I ran every ware and I couldn't find him I spent three hours running,yelling,and asking people if they have seen my dog and still no sign of him.

I went home to see if he had come back but of course no luck then after pacing back and forth scolding myself to next time put the leash on in side not out so he couldn't get away then again there might not be a next time omg what if he got ran over and that's why I couldn't find him I started crying Toto is the only one I have other the my best friend Layla.

I heard I knock at the door I really thought I was someone for Toto but when I opened it it was Layla

"Hey did you find him yet"She asked in a concerned tone

"No"Was the only thing I could say she gave have me a hug and I cried on her shoulder

"We will find him I promise he still has his collar with your address and your phone number so I bet some one will come soon" she said playing with my hair

"But what if my mom get here first I'm going to be in trouble she's going to hate me more if that's even possible" I say still crying

"She won't be back till school starts next week we have plenty of time to find him" she said trying to calm me down

"What if he's dead"i say crying harder man I sound like such a woos I barley cry

"Don't think like that he's fine Autumn here let me go make you something to eat you look hungry" she said get up and walking in the kitchen while I sit and watch tv and play the waiting game.

I'm Autumn Collins I'm 17 and I have long straight dark brown hair and grayish blueish eyes and tan skin tone and my mother hates me every sense I was 8 years old when my dad died my mom blames me and I understand why it was my fault.After the incident she's blocked me out and every time she dose talk to me she brings him up and yells at me she just never let me for get and that's caused me to do bad things like drink and party and sleep around its only me and my dog Toto Layla is my best friend we have been friends seance I was 3years old in preschool she never had a father so she looked up to my dad his death hurt a lot of people he was vary loved he was the nicest dad in the world and when he died my mom never saw me the same but Layla never left me so now I am the person I am now I cruse a lot I'm rude to my mom when she's rude to me.I only ever went to jail for drinking and driving a couple of times I have dyslexia so I suck at school to a point to I just don't care Layla is vary smart and she knows how to teach people like me so she touters me.we found out last year so now she knows what to do .

"Autumn get your ass over here dinner is ready"Layla yelled from the kitchen

"I'm coming" I said and walked to the kitchen

"Mmmm smells good" I say taking my bowl of spaghetti

"Thank you" she said

"It taste like the way dad use to make it"I say

"I no I remembered when he tried to teach us how to make it I still remembered exact ingredients he used that's why it taste the same it was made the same way"she said vary happy

We walked to the couch and watch cops well she was watching I was digging in to my spaghetti we heard a knock at the door and me and Layla both went to the door and opened it

"I live next door I just moved here and saw this dog walking around I looked at the collar and it had this address so I'm guessing this is your dog" I really cute guy with really dark brown hair he was tall and tan skin like mine he also had blue eyes they were beautiful.

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