9) Meeting Mama Rose

Start from the beginning

Ignoring the text messages, I went on twitter and everyone was retweeting asking about my tweet.

I was so deep into my phone, I hadn't notice Jehari come out of the bathroom with just a towel on.

I looked up and licked my lips as she put her underwear on.

"Damn." I mumbled to myself.

Deciding not to be a pervert, I went into the bathroom to shower.

After I showered and put on my Calvin Klein boxers, I went into the room to get dressed.

Jehari was fully dressed and her hair was flat ironed, so now she just lay on the bed. I decided to tease her and take my time getting dressed.

She stared as I stood in front of her full length mirror with just my pants and and socks on. My upper body was bare, showing off all of my tattoos as I put on my  deodorant.

"Like whatchu see?" I teased.

"Yeah, your tattoos." She smirked.

"They dope huh?" I played along, laying next to her.

"Yup. You gotta big fat ass too."

"That ain't the only thing that's big and fat." I stated seriously.

"What your head?" She giggled.

"Yeah. The one between my legs."

"Why are you so nasty sir?" Jehari asked, scrunching up her face.

"Because my name is MoNasty!" I replied, humping the bed.

She busted out laughing at me, making me grin.

"Finish getting dressed MoNasty." She giggled, slapping my butt.

Laughing, I got up and grabbed my shirts.

"Jeh, yo mom sexy like you?" I asked, putting on my wife beater and polo.

"Yeah, I guess. That's her right there." She pointed to a picture that sat on the dresser next to me.

I looked at the picture and smiled. She was gorgeous. She had flawless brown skin, mesmerizing hazel eyes, shoulder length black hair, and a beautiful smile.

"Bae, she's beautiful."

"Thank you."

I sat next to her on the bed and tied my shoes. Standing to my feet, I helped Jehari up. She grabbed her keys and a white and gold studded backpack.

Leaving her apartment, we made our way to her red 2012 Impala. I opened her door for her before going to the passenger side.

She pulled off and turned up her music. She was playing a mixtape of old songs, and Plies Somebody Loves You was on.

At one o'clock sharp, we were walking through the doors of the hospice.

"Hey Candice, my mom in her room?" Jehari asked a blue eyed lady that sat at the front desk.

"Hey Jehari. And yeah, she just got back radiation therapy."

"Okay thanks."

"Mmhm. Oh my God, you're Romeo Montana. My son Tatum loves you. Can I have your autograph for him?"

Dammit! I was hoping no one noticed me yet.

I nodded and signed a sheet of paper for her before grabbing Jehari's hand. As we walked to her mother's room, I couldn't help but stare.

"I'm sorry about that babe." I apologized.

"You're a famous football player. Don't apologize for that Mr. Montana." She smiled.

"I'm not famous baby." I chuckled.

"Not with me. But to football fanatics you are." She shrugged.

"I'm glad to hear that."

"Here we are." We stopped at a room where we heard some old school music.

Walking in, I saw Jehari's beautiful mother sitting on the bed humming along to some Al Green and knitting.

"Hey mama." Jehari kissed her cheek.

"Hey baby." She smiled weakly.

"Ma, this is Romeo. Romeo this is my mother Rose." She looked up at me and smiled.

I walked over to her and gave her a gentle hug.

"It's nice to meet the woman who carried my beautiful girlfriend. How are you Ms. Rose?"

"I'm good baby. It's nice to meet the young man who makes my baby smile. And call me Mama Rose." She said weakly.

I looked over at Jehari and gave her a wink before turning back to her mother.

"Well she makes me smile too. I'm addicted to her."

"Awe, you so sweet. Jehari, I like him. He's a keeper."

We both laughed at her and she just smiled. I sat in a chair and pulled Jehari into my lap.

They started talking, but I couldn't help but notice how weak Mama Rose looked. I squeezed Jehari when Mama Rose started coughing.

"Mama, you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah baby. But give me that cup of water."

I handed her the cup of water that was next to me and she drunk it with a shaky hand.

She handed me the cup back and went back to talking to Jehari.

"Mommy, you sure you okay?" Jehari asked concerned.

"Girl yeah. Anyways, let me tell you about Ms. Bernadine."

I listened to their conversation and even bonded with Mama Rose for a while. On the way back to Jehari's apartment, I was in my thoughts.

One thing I hated was seeing someone hurt or sick. Especially this sick.

"Babe, you okay?" Jehari pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm good."

"You sure?"

I nodded and kissed her hand.

Honestly, I wasn't okay. Meeting Mama Rose brought back memories. It made me miss them even more than what I did.

Their smiles, their laughter, the stories.


Sorry about this lame chapter.

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