Ch. 7 - Love is All I Can Think About Now

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"Don't steal my cookie!" I mumbled in my sleep and rolled over, taking what ever I could onto the floor. "Oww." I opened my eye and saw I was pinning Drake to the ground. "Oh shit! I'm so sorry." I rolled off him and got up, pulling him up too. "No, I'm fine but did you really have to go that far for a damned cookie?" He asked me and I looked at him confused. "What cookie?" I asked, picking up my blankets and started to make my bed. "The one you were mumbling about in your dreams." I face-palmed and went completely red in my cheeks. "Sorry that I have incurable habit of being over protective of my cookies!" I smiled, finishing my bed easily. "Why would you be so over protective anyways?" I turned around and faced Drake, looking up at him. "Because cookies are awesome and delicious!" I laughed, walking past him to my dresser and started pulling out clothes. "I'm guessing Mum and Dad aren't back or you'd be gone, yes?" I pulled out a plain black tank top, black skinny jeans and I moved to my closet quickly. I pulled out a simple waist leather jacket and slipped it over my arm. "If you're hungry, your welcome to get something to eat in the kitchen but when Mum and Dad come through that door, you bolt up here. Got it?" I told him, turning around to face him with a serious expression. He nodded and I saw him swallow hard. "Don't even think about peeping into the bathroom or I will stake you to a tree." He backed out of my room as I walked into the bathroom, running the hot water and started stripping down after putting my clothes onto the bathroom counter. I jumped in, washed off all the dirt and got out happily. I got dressed and did the needed makeup, strolling out with steam clouds following me again. I picked up my Rilkkuma plushie back pack and stuffed it with my wallet, shoving my phone into my front pocket. "You ready?" Drake called from behind my closed door. "Yep!" I chimed, opening my door. "Do you want to go now?" I asked, walking past him into the hallway. "Well, I have to have a shower first." He smiled and I shook my head. "I'll try and find some clothes to fit you. What size are you?" I asked, starting to make my way down the stairs. "I don't think you have any in my size." I looked up at him in confusion. "I'll try my best." I spoke, walking into my parent's room and started to look through their closet. "I wonder if Mum's clothes would fit him?" I thought out loud, hearing the taps turn on above me. I started going through all her jeans and found a pair of black ones that didn't fit her anymore. I pulled out a white singlet and an old red-checkered flannel top from Dad's draws. The taps shut off and I walked up stairs. "I've got clothes!" I yelled through my door, looking at the door knob as it turned. Drake only had a towel wrapped around his waist and water still dripped from his hair. "Sweet." He smiled and took the clothes, kissing my forehead quickly before disappearing back into my room. I walked down stairs and made myself a bowl of Fruit Loops, eating it happily as Drake came down stairs with a smile. "Someone's looking good." I laughed, washing my bowl out and turning to face him. "Well I did only get hand-me-downs." I laughed again and wrapped my arms around his neck, giving him a hug. His arms wrapped themselves around my waist and I didn't want to moment to end. "Ready to go to the shops?" I asked, pulling back and took out a pen and paper. I started writing down a note for Mum and Dad, saying I was going shopping with Drake. "Yeah. How do you want to get there firstly." I looked at him in horror. "No flying. That's fucking terrifying." I started firmly at the smirk on him face. God! He could wear it well! "Fine, we'll walk then. It's not that far anyways." I shook my head. "Do you have to do it the old fashioned way? If we leave now we'll be able to catch the bus at the end of my street to get there." I pulled out a few spare changed and handled it to him, dragging him out of the front door and locked it. We walked down the street to the bus stop, talking about whatever came onto our  minds. I heard it roar in the same tone and stood up, Drake following my lead. "How did you know it was coming?" He asked doubtfully as I scanned my bus card and he paid for his all-day ticket. "I've been taking this bus for a while and I can heard it come from a mile away naturally. It's so loud." I explained easily, taking a seat up at the back. Drake sat down next to me and rested his head on my shoulder. "Looks like someone didn't get enough sleep last night." I mocked, smiling broadly. "No, I did. You woke me up too early than I should have. Your shoulder is really comfortable!" He explained and exclaimed, lifting his head to look up at me. "That's new and I did not wake you up that early idiot." I huffed, resting my head against the window as he rested upon my shoulder again. It's the domino effect! I laughed in my head, smiling. The bus jolted as it came to it's last stop, outside of the plaza. "Come on sleepy head!" I chimed, getting up and making him fall on to the empty seat space. "You're dead!" He laughed getting up and I ran off the bus, quickly scanning my card as I ran out the door of the bus. I ran through the double doors of the shopping plaza and weaved through the crowd, making it into the craft shop with no sign of Drake. I started looking through the shop, picking out different scrapbook backings and two small scrapbooks for each other. "May I help you Miss?" I looked up and saw a shop assistant walking towards me. "No I am fine, thank you." I spoke softly and politely to him, turning back to the coloured markers. I picked out a black one, a red, blue, orange and lime green. I walked past a few aisles and saw some chick trapping a guy by having her arms stuck out on either side of his head. I recognized the hair and I walked up to her, coughing loudly behind her. "Not now! I'm busy." I laughed quietly and saw Drake smirk. "Busy with my boyfriend? Yeah, I'll except that." She span around with fear written all over her face. "I'm sorry-" I cut her off by raising a hand and walked past her calmly. "You didn't know even when he mentioned it to you a million times?" I asked and she only ran off. "No one gets my man." I laughed, kissing his cheek and walked down to the glues and stencils. "May I help you eith your shopping?" Drake stood next to me with a carry basket. "Thanks, Babe." I smiled, dumping the collection of items into the basket also picking out a few glues and threw them in with the rest. "Sure you can handle that?" I asked, picking out a few little heart stickers and small stencils, throwing them in too. "Of course I'm fine Sweetheart." He wrapped his free arm around my waist and pulled me close, kissing the top of my head. "Sweet. I'll go pay for this." I took the basket out of his hands and hauled it over to the counter. "I'll be back in a second." He kissed me and disappeared. "Hardcore scrap booking?" The check-out guy asked, smiling and I returned it back politely. "Yeah, grandparents want pictures of my family so I thought it would be a nice present idea for their up coming birthdays." I lied smoothly, sucking him in easily. "That's really nice. I don't remember the last time I spoke to my Grandies or eve my mum." He sounded a little sad. "Call them, drop in. I bet they have missed you and are happy to see how but you have grown up." I laughed, him joining along getting my joke. "That will be $88.74." He spoke politely and I handed over the 100 bucks I had saved up a long time ago. "Here's you change and enjoy your day." I nodded and said a polite 'thank you' back, Drake joining me again, taking a few of the plastic bags. "So where did you disappear to?" I asked curiously as we sat at the bus stop, waiting for it. "It's a surprise." He grinned evil and I knew I wasn't going to enjoy it. We took the bus back hoe and we unpacked everything onto my bed. "Shall we get started?" I asked, thinking about what to do. "Not with out more photos." Drake smirked evilly, pulling out a plastic bag with some items in it. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked panicked. He reached in and pulled out a camera, it was a modern take on an old Polaroid. "Are you kidding me?!" I yelled, not knowing what to think. "You didn't have to go out and by them!" Drake laughed and shook his head, smiling. "Well I have enough money. Plus I let you pay for the supplies against my will." He looked at me innocently. "Again." I added in an annoyed voice, folding my arms across my chest. "Yes, again." He smiled again and brought the camera up to his face, making me duck along the side of my bed. "It's not working." He muttered, letting me hear he took it away and started to fiddle with it. "Okay, then let me have a look." I got up and grabbed it, turning it upside down and looked at the bottom of it. There was a little plastic tab and I pulled it, activating the camera. I took a quick picture of Drake and smiled, waving the picture around to get it to dry. Drake was looking out the window and it looked really good, even though he wasn't looking at the camera. "It's a keeper!" I chimed handing the camera over to him, deciding I wasn't going to be difficult with pictures no more. "Now one together." He pulled us together and I smiled for the camera, getting a good flash in the eyes. "That's why I hate getting my picture taken. Most cameras have a stupid flash on it." I watched him as he shook the photo. "Another keeper." He smiled and I felt myself blush harsly. "I bet I look really bad in it." I looked at him and spoke in a matter-of-fact tone. "No!" He yelled, telling me all the reasons why it wasn't bad. We kept taking lots of photos, deciding which ones to keep and what to chuck. We actually starting getting into craft and got really good at what looks good in a scrap book and what doesn't. "Done!" We both chimed in unison. I closed my and handed it to him, Drake copying in perfect time. I looked through his and he looked through mine. We both complimented on what techniques we liked and what we didn't getting into a full on discussion. "I think it's time for bed." I yawned, stretching and closing up the book, starting to back up all the stuff into a spare box from under my bed. I replaced it there and put the scrap book into the middle draw on my side, getting up and doing my nightly routine. Drake was already under the covers by the time I got out, smiling broadly too. "You know you have to go home some time." I told him, slipping into bed next to him. "Yes, but my father does know I am fine. We have a telepathic connection." He told me softly, wrapping his arm around me. "Sweet! All the more time I have you to me." I laughed, kissing him gently. I placed a hand on his cheek and ran my thumb along his cheekbone gently, watching him fall asleep. "Something bothering you?" He asked softly, opening his eyes to look at me. "No, nothing at all. Love is the only thing I can think about, and only sharing it with you." I kissed him again and wished him a goodnight, falling alseep into a dangerous nightmare...

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