Ch. 3 - A Nightmare That Will Never End

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I slipped my shoes off and got, walking down stairs to the kitchen. I saw a note on the bench and assumed it was from Mum and Dad. I picked it up and read it quickly, frowning.

"Gone out hunting and searching for new covens. Won't be back until 3:00 am. There's money on the bench for you to order pizza or Chinese. Love Mum & Dad xxx."

I threw it back on to the bench and picked up the 50 bucks, stuffing it into my pocket. "What am I going to have for dinner then?" I asked myself, going into the study and getting out a city directory. "Japanese, Japanese..." I mumbled, searching for any Japanese take out places. "Nope! Only dine in." I muttered pissed. "I'll just get pizza." I huffed, picking up the phone and dialling in the pizza place. "Hello this is Pizza Palace. May I take your order?"

"Yes please. A meat-lovers and Hawaiian pizza please."

"Yep! Your order will be about 10 minutes, is this okay?"

"Perfectly fine. Thank you."

"Thank you. Bye."


I hung up and started strolling around the house, wondering what I was able to do. "Game night!" I smiled and cheered to myself. I walked up stairs and walked into the games room, picking up the PS3 controller and turned it on. "C.O.D please~!" I chimed as I selected Call of Duty : Black Ops from the games menu. I played for quite a bit online and heard the door bell ring after I finished a game. "Coming!" I yelled, running down stairs and opened the door. "Your pizzas." A boy handed them over. "Thanks, how much was that?" I asked, taking the piazzas onto one arm. "$43.45." I picked out the 50 dollars and handed it to him. "Keep the change." I smiled. "Thanks." I smiled and closed the door, locking it too. I made way to the games room again and started playing, taking a break every now and then to eat. I checked the time on the PlayStation and say it was almost 10:00pm. "Shit!" I muttered to myself, picking up the pizza boxes and turned the PS3 and T.V. off. I went down stairs and stashed the pizza into the fridge. I went up stairs, had a shower, got dress in PJs, did my skin routine and put a stake under the opposite pillow as I jumped into bed. I tossed and turned for ages, eventually sitting straight up because I felt something in my room. I reached for the stake, but it was missing. "What the hell?!" I yelled picking up the pillow and throwing it behind my head. It was just sheets. "Looking for something?" I span around and saw a shadow darting around my room. "And I'm guessing you have something to do with that?" I asked in a plain tone, standing up on my bed. Something hit the back of my legs, making me fall backwards onto the bed. A force was on top of me, pinning me down. "What's your matter of business? Killing a vampire hunters daughter?" I smiled as the rage built itself in them, I could feel it through their hands. I flipped them over and kicked them in what I hoped was the head. I ran down stairs and pulled out a knife from the kitchen block. "That's not going to do any damage." They chuckled behind me and I span around quickly, holding the knife ready in my hand. "Not if I can get it through your sick heart!" I hissed watching them move around the room. "How can you stake someone if you can't see?" Something covered my eyes and everything went pitch black. I knew I had to do something. I started swinging the knife around blindly, spinning around but not hitting anything. "Useless, isn't it?" I heard them chuckle evilly, making the rage build violently inside me. The knife was ripped away from my hand and the darkness had brightened a little bit. I stood there, panting harshly, not knowing if this was all as good as over at that time. I moved to the stairs and scaled them carefully, trying to make no noise so I could listen out for something. I ran up to my room and shut the door, locking it too. I picked up my mobile and sent a quick text to Mum about the attack. 'Are you okay Honey? We're on our way home now.' I sent back a yes and that I would be in bed. 'Okay Sweetheart. Good night.' I put my phone on my bedside table and jumped under the covers again. Sleep was soon to be followed.

"Mikii! Up now!" Mum yelled at me. I groaned and sat up, moving over to my cabinet and pulled our black skinny jeans, a black tank top and a woolen cardigan with big buttons. I got dressed, pulling on my Converses and did up the first three buttons on my cardigan. I covered my neck well and didn't choke at all. I went into the bathroom and applied my usual makeup. I pulled my bag over my body and headed out the door, straight to the bus stop. I sat down at the bench and waited the usual 5 minutes and heard the bus roaring down the street. I got on and did the usual routine until I got to school. I was gaining stares from everyone and I had no idea why. Maybe that rumour really did spread well enough for people to believe. I thought to myself, walking through the double doors. I gained more stares and walked into the library, ignoring them all. I took a seat in the usual corner and drew in random stuff in my sketch pad, yet again. I gave up, not being able to draw the hair or head right. I walked through the aisles and found my vampire section. I pulled out a random book and started to skim through it until something stopped me. I read through the page quickly. It was full of someone's notes on vampire theories, none that I've ever heard of. "Weird.." I muttered, putting it back and turning around, running into something hard. "Sorry..." I spoke quickly, walking past quickly only to feel arms wrap themselves around my chest. "Do you mind?" I asked, annoyed. "Not at all. In fact, I'm enjoying this." They moved their lips from my ear to hover over my neck. I instantly elbowed them in the stomach and gave them a punch into their jaw. I span around and took a defencive stance. "What the hell?" Drake looked up at me, holding his jaw. "What else do expect when you were attacked by vampires recently?" I folded my arms across my chest and smiled. "Plus I'm always up for ruining someone's perfect little face." He shook his head. I dropped my bag as he took a step toward me. "You really want to die?" I asked, holding my hand on a stake I decided to put in the back of my pants. "How can you stake someone you can't see?" He asked curiously, putting his hands behind his back in a gentleman-like manner. My eyes narrowed in anger, remembering what happened last night. I pulled out the stake, letting my eyes go back to normal. "You were at my house last night, weren't you?" I asked, pointing the stake at him. He took a few steps back away from me, shaking his head violently. "Then how can you quote something my attacker did?" I asked, moving foward every time he stepped back. "I-I-I dunno. Maybe you can answer that. D-d-did you get to have a look at him?"  He stuttered as I backed him up against the wall and I shook my head. "Nope." I popped the 'p' and watched him squirm uncomfortable between the narrow aisles. The bell rang and he disappeared from my sight. "Oh well!" I chimed, smiling like and idiot and putting the stake back in my pants. "I didn't even know I could scare a vampire easily." I laughed, grabbing my bag and walked down to my tute area. "I don't think so!' I felt the stake being removed and I span around instanly. "Give it back Drake!." I hissed, reaching or it but he held it well above our heads. I knew the only way to get it was to get close to him, the thought made me shiver. "Give it up before my tute teacher gets in here." I looked up at him angrily, realizing he was a complete head taller than me. "I will hurt you." I threatened in a light tone, making sure he wasn't going to be expecting nothing, boy was he wrong! A grin spread across he lips. "Really now?" I nodded and kneed him where-the-sun-don't-shine. He groaned loudly, bending over. I grabbed the stake and finished him with another knee to the head. He flew back and I stashed the stake quickly as Miss Flaw walked in. "What's going on?" She spoke in her cracked and raspy voice. "Nothing I just found him here." I kneeled down to him and he tried to sit up. "Are you okay?" I asked in a worried voice that we both knew was fake. "Yeah." He mumbled. I straightened up and offered my hand down. "Put it here little man." I smiled. I've been wanting to say that for a very long time. I pulled him up and he dusted himself off. "You don't happen to be Drake Stoker by any chance?" Flaw asked, getting closer to see him better with her old eyes. He nodded once, looking confused. "You're in my tute. I will have to tell you that you must attend all tute lessons in the more otherwise you will be absent for the rest of the day. Please take a seat." She made her way over the desk and sat her old bones to rest. Of course, Drake chose the empty seat next to me. "Go away" I hissed, burring my face into my book. "Not until I get answers." I looked at him, annoyed. "I still haven't even got an answer to why you're going to school again your own kind." I put it to him, going back to my book."Because I can't learn anything at home. They always ramble on and on with history of my kind instead of getting an education like humans can get at school." He spoke back in a matter-of-fact tone. "Now, why do you keep covering up for us both?" He asked leaning towards me. "Because," I sat forward to met him, but kept away, "if I told everyone the truth about us, I would get prosecuted and will be called the crazy one out of the school. Plus it's to cover my ass up to dickhead." I had to add on an insult. He looked taken back and I sat back, reading my book again. The bell rang and I finished the day without speaking to him once.

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