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This is in the future and alasia is 6 now.you and Hayes have been arguing a lot lately ,but he's also hiding something.that is alasia above ^
I'm leaving work now,im so stressed out.this is getting old,working 9-5 ,alasia in school,arguing with Hayes .Jesus ,our relationship I falling at the seams.Growing up as a kid,my parents were never married but they were together.constantly arguing .I hated listening to that,until finally,they decided to split.i absolutley do not want that for my baby girl,but.i know he's hiding something from me,i know he's doing it.i just need something to confirm his actions.i think he knows I know but he doesn't look the slightest guilty.i will find out,thats for sure ,and if my thoughts are defiantly true,i know what I have to do.even if that means ending our 8 year marrige.it hurts more than anything ,but I'm not gonna cry.im going to be nothing but happy, happy that this fighting would finally come to a halt.Happy that my baby girl won't have to feel like this anymore.i can see it by the look in her eyes,its probably why she's been acting up at school.this process is so overwhelming. my lawyer has already drawn the papers .I have them in a yellow envelope .I'm just going to wait until the tip of the iceberg is confirmed.i just need to see it one time.thats all I need.i just need to see him with her .I don't want to believe it.as much as I'm wanting to end this I just love him so god damn much.the beginning of our relationship was pure bliss.now it's pure hate and distruction.i can't allow my baby to keep going through this.she deserves so much more .hayes is such an asshole,his been with her,yet he still comes and sleeps next to me.with the smell of her on him.after he's been touched by her.with her marking on him.its so heartbreaking.he knows that it's tearing us apart.but if he wants her he can have her.i will never get in the way of something that he wants.i didn't do it to his career ,I won't do it now.yes I love him more than I love myself.but I love myself enough to get out of this,me and my daughter.he never spends time with her anymore.she was a daddy's girl,but now I'm her only resort.ive packed all of my stuff and my baby girls .I don't have to worry about hiding it because he's on tour,and he's with her.i knew this was my chance to get out.none of our families know.i will not tell them that he's been with her behind my back because I've always been a nice person and that would make me feel guilty.i know ,I know.dont ask.i want full custody and a restraining order.he never spends time with our baby why would he want to now?he could never spend time with her anymore because he always busy spending his time with her.i can't denie that she's pretier than me,skinnier too.i was always on the thick side but I wasn't fat.one thing I know that I have that is better than her is curves .I'm way more curvier than that flat stick he's fucking right now.shit she'd probably snap in two.im gonna get a makeover and make him wish he'd never did what he did.im gonna get another man,that she can actually call daddy,that will take her to get icecream when she wants .that will teach her to play basketball .that will teach her to ride her bike.someone that will give her the love she deserves.nad I know just the perfect person to do that.hes asked me out before I was dating Hayes but I was too busy with school.hes still single and I'm gonna ask him after all these years.i hope he still feels the same.i will after this diviorce.he want her and I can finally let him go.ive let him go now.as much as I love him I hate him.for leaving us.leaving me lonely.im gonna skype him right now and see if he's with her .
I got my laptop out and dialed him.as soon as he answered I see him in a chair with his back facing the camera.and her on his lap,kissing his neck and him moaning.
"Hello,who are you?" She asked still kissing his neck.
"Who are you is the question?"
"I'm selfie c,hayes's fiancé .WHAT THE FUCK!i quickly got pissed off as she held the giant ring up.
"Hayes I suggest you turn the fuck around ."I said angrily .o saw his back tense and him tell her to get off his lap.
"Babe I-."he started with a frantic look,but no remorse shown at all.
"So what are you,a fucking Mormon now? you just want two wives is that it?" I say calmly ,dangerously calm.
"No,i lov-."he started to say.
"DONT YOU DARE FUCKING SAY THAT YOU LOVE ME.WE BOTH KNOW THATS A LIE."i screamed quickly gettin beyond angry.
"Yeah,it is."he mumbled.
"What now huh?first you forget me,starting arguments making ME feel guilty when it was you all along.whats next you gonna forget alasia too?you have a fucking family that loves you.scratch that lovED."i said emphasizing the end.he looks up at me with an angry look.
"YES I DID because all you fucking do is nag-nag-nag.your not my fuckin mom.you werent putting out so I found another source what the fuck do you think I was supposed to do?"he yelled.
"FUCKING TELL ME ASSHOLE!IF YOU WERENT BEING A DICK MAYBE I WOULDVE.IF YOU WERENT IGNORING ME MAYBE I WOULDVE.if you actual cared about me maybe I would've ."i said with my voice cracking but not crying.
"Hay-bear,can talk please stop arguing ,it's stressing me ,and stress isn't good for the baby."she said.
That broke the million broken pieces of my heart into another million.
"Baby?hay-bear?!she having a fucking baby,and you let her call you what I used to.did you ever fucking care about me?alasia?our relationship?what am I supposed to tell everyone?huh?what do I tell alasia? 'Oh your daddy loves someone else now and isn't coming home?"i say sadly but strongly.
"Don't even fucking answer that.ok.all I have to say to you now is ,don't fucking contact me anymore,you can have that hoe,and you can expect papers from your maneger." I say and hang up.i burst into tears this is all too much.i got up and walked to a corner and hugged my knees crying.just then ,the door open and my baby girl walked in.
"Mommy,are you okay?"she said walking slowly to me with tissues in her hand.i couldn't help but smile at how thoughtful she is.
"No baby I'm just fine,its just daddy made me really,really sad."i said with tears pouring down.she immediately ran and hugged me.
"Mommy its okay, because when daddy stopped playing with me,i secretly called cam-cam ,and he always made me happy like daddy used to.cam-cam told me he loves me mommy.he also told me he loves you too.very,very,very,very,very,very much." she said sweetly.i smiled and engulfed her in a hug.cameron is who she calls cam-cam.hes so sweet to us. he treats her like a princess and is also the same guy who likes me.alasia pulled away.
"Mommy ,what did daddy do?"she asked with confusion.
"Cupcake,this is gonna be hard for you to understand.mommys parents did the same thing.but I promise you I will be the best mommy ever ,I'll be better than daddy was."i said holding her head in my hands.
"Okay mommy."she said.i sat her in my lap.
"Baby girl....*sigh* look.daddy,he,he doesn't love mommy anymore,daddy loves someone else.daddy still love you very much.your going to have another brother or sister soon,bit it's not from mommy.its from the other woman who daddy loves.mommy is very sad and angry at daddy right now...... look,this will be hard for you baby but mommy and daddy aren't going to live in the same house anymore.webare going to be in different houses.you are going to live with mommy.while daddy loves with his new wife ."I said slowly ,I don't want to lie to her.
"Okay mommy now I'm sad too.does daddy not want me,is it my fault daddy love another girl.why is he having another kid.is daddy going to forget me.?"she said with tears dripping down her face.
"No,no,no baby don't ever think that.daddy will not forget you.its not your fault that daddy was an inconsiderate asshole.its not your fault at all.do not blame yourself baby."i said trying to get it through her head.
"Mommy please don't be mad but,when I heard you crying I called cam-cam ,because I thought he could make you happy like he makes me happy.so CAM-CAM COME IN!!!"she shouts.cameron walks through my door ,taking me by surprise and picking me up into a hug .I automatically hugged back.he smelt so good.i could feel his abs through his shirt.omg.
"Thank you baby."i mouthed to her.
"Mommy also grandma is down stairs so I'm going to stay with her tonight,so cam-cam can make you happy again.""she said.
"Okay baby have fun,i will miss you ,I love you." I said blowing her a kiss also accidentally in cams ears making him shiver.i wrapped my arms back around him.he tapped the back of my thighs signaling me to jump.i wrapped my legs around him and hugged tighter taking in the moment.also making our crotches press into eachother.i gasped ,because I haven't had any action in a while.i haven't seen Cameron in a while either.he was always so hot .he had gasped too.
I pulled back away from his chest .
"I missed you cam."i said looking dead in his eyes.he smiled.
"I missed you too baby girl."i blushed when he called me that.i decided to forget about Hayes ,I wanted to forget.i automatically smashed our lips together.he froze at sensation but soon kissed back.i grinder down on him.i need this .I need him.i need him to help me forget.forget hayes, and what he did to me and us.
"Cam ,I know you heard everything,and I regret turning you down all those years ago.i want you.now.i want you and all of you.and with that being said,i need you.i know you still like me since you kissed back.i only want one thing from you right now.actaully,need,i need you to help me forget,what he did to me ,how he made me feel,and most of all make me forget his name."i said looking him straight in his eyes.but I whispered the last part directly in his ear.he let out a small moan when I said that.
"Y/N,are you absolutley sure you want to do this,i mean you are still married to the guy."he said with a listing look but a hint of doubt.i sighed.
"I'm absolutely sure cam.i have had the divorce papers drawn for months now I just was hoping he wasn't doing it.i haven't faxed them to his maneger.here I'll do it now."i said hopping off of him and grabbing his hand walking to the office in the house.i grabbed the papers out of the file cabinet.and walked over to the fax machine.the table that it sat on,was low to the ground so I decided to tease him by sticking my ass out more when I bent over because I had on tight booty shorts .I swear I heard him grunt.i punched in the fax code and sent the papers through.
"See,all done."i said leaning up and smirking .and all of a sudden I was being picked up and everything was swiped off the desk.my legs were forcefully pushed open.cameron pulled me closer to him so our crotches were pressured against eachother.he grinding his hard on on me and groaned while saying,
"God,baby girl if you keep this up I'll fuck so hard so you just might completely forget his name.mine will be embedded in your head.you won't be able to walk for a week."he said lowly,making me wet and still grinding.
HA YOU THOUGHT,YOU THOUGT!😂I'm just kidding you guys.part 2?my internet has been down for a while and I sincerely apologize for the wait,AND you guys who requested,your eyes will soon be reading your imagine.dont worry.i hate letting you guys down.you will get them soon.
And yes Cam-cam/Cameron IS Cameron Dallas .I just had to leave a cliffhanger .I love you guys so much for reading my bullshit imagines.thank you all so much.

Hayes Grier imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now