I love my Bully

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"y/n wake up your gonna be late". I heard my mom shout.
"Okay, dang i'm up!" I shouted back. I walked to my closet and put on some clothes.(the outfit in the picture). I tied the flannel to my waist, and walked down stairs.
"Morning mom." I said kissing her cheek. I went to the fridge and grabbed some orange juice, then an apple from the bowl off the counter. I ate my apple and went upstairs to my room. I grabbed my backpack and my phone off the charger. I grabbed my car keys off the hook by the door, and walked back downstairs and to my car which is a black Jeep Land Rover. I put the top down, because I wanted to feel the wind in my hair. I was getting myself prepared for what's to come today.
I walked into the school and to my locker. I opened my locker, and put my books in it as soon as I was done it was slammed shut.
"Did you think you could get away today?ever?" He whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine.
"No". I whisper my breath shaking.
"Good girl, keep the good attitude it suits you." He laughed coldly. That only made me angry. This time I would get away, today, forever.
"I need to get to class". I whispered.
"Bye". He said walking to his friends. I was surprised he didn't hit me, but it will probably come later on today. Hayes is my bully, but I love him. I do what he says so I don't get beaten.
It was after lunch, and I was at my locker getting books for my next class. When I closed my locker, my books were slapped out of my arm. I took a deep breath and looked up to see the devil himself. I shut my eyes tight and waited for the blow .Which was in my stomach. Then repeated blows to my face and abdomen. That was enough for me to scream. I was screaming stop repeatedly. I opened my eyes to find him standing there laughing along with his evil friends. I hated him so much, but I also love him. How do you love the person that hurt you? No matter how much they hurt you? No matter how much you love them? You will never be able to tell them because of how much they hurt. You're scared they won't feel the same and you're alone. I was alone. I stared at them wandering how on earth was this funny to them. It was embarrassing me. I wanted to be away from them, and everything. I got up with all the strength I had and ran out the school to my car with tears running down my face. I went to the place I felt safest. My tree house. I wasn't technically my tree house. It was an abandoned tree house in a meadow it the local park. I got to the meadow and climbed the tree house. I sat there thinking to myself hugging my knees and rocking back and forth. Thoughts running through my head. How could I love someone that hates me? Why does he hate me? What did I do to him? The sound of a twig snapping pushed me out of my thoughts. I started panicking. Would they follow me here? I've never told anyone about this place. I come here to be alone. I crawled to the corner behind an old crate. O put my head in my lap so i wouldn't be spotted.
"Come on y/n, I know your in here." I could spot that voice anywhere. I started shaking and more tears fell. He was after me. I couldn't get away this time. I took a deep breath hoping he wouldn't hear. Apparently I wasn't quiet enough.
"Please y/n, I know your in here, I followed you here, please come out." He said in a soft voice. I crawled into the other corner which was shaded.
"Please don't hurt me". I was honestly scared shitless right now. I hugged my knees and put my head in between my legs to keep my head covered.
"Please I'm sorry y/n." He pleaded.
"What do you want? Why did you follow me? If your going to hit me again just go ahead. I'm broken enough." I said still not leaving my spot. I guess he found where I was, because the next thing happening was his arms picking me up and setting me in his lap. He moved my arms and put my head on his chest. He then wrapped his arms around me and hugged me like he was going to die.
"What are you doing?" I asked terrified of the answer.
"Hugging you. You said you were broken....think of when you accidentally break something at the store, you have to pay for it. I know I was the one who broke you. So I'm going to put you back together, and pay for breaking you." I smiled at his words, but then my smile faltered. I asked myself, why is he being so nice to me?
"Why are you being so nice to me?what do you want from me?" I asked below a whisper.
"I want you. I want your body. I want your mind. I want your spirit . I want your soul. I want your heart." He whispered back.
"Wha-"I started to ask, but he cut me off.
"Look y/n. I know I've hurt you, a lot . But trust me I know what I'm about to tell you is not an excuse for what I've done, but it's the truth. Y/n I have loved you for the longest. I love you so much it hurts. And when I did those god awful things to you I wanted to cry because seeing you hurt, hurt me. I had to front the smiles and laughs while doing it I promise I never meant it. It was peer pressure, they made me do it. I shouldn't have listened to them. I swear I love you with every existing bone in my body. Y/n I love you". Hayes said with tears in his eyes. I didn't say anything I just kissed him. I felt fireworks go off as soon as our lips touched, my lips were tingling as I kissed him. He was surprised that I kissed him, but then our lips moved in sync. His hands brushed the hair out of my face, and slowly moved to my neck. He gently held my neck and deepened the kiss. We were making out until I we heard a bird chirping on the open window sill of the tree house. We broke the kiss and looked at the bird. It was a humming bird. The bird started singing. Hayes looked back at me and smiled.
"I love you y/n, forever." He whispered against my swollen lips.
"Forever." I whispered back with a smile.

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