After that, I went outside and called a taxi to take me to Stanford.

Upon arriving, they welcomed me and told me I'd be living in a coed dorm with a boy who was in the year above me because apparently all the girl dorms were taken and this was the only one available. They also said that if I had a problem with that they could find a solution, but seeing as they had already gone through a lot of trouble I didn't want to bother them.

(A/N: idk if there are actually such a thing as coed dorms as in you sleep in the same room as a guy but let's just pretend that they do)

I lugged my suitcase to the room and opened it with the key they gave me. The guy must have been in class seeing as the room was empty. There was one bed that was completely messy and on the other side of the room there was another one that was untouched. I dropped my bags next to it and lied down a bit.

I close my eyes and start to fall asleep as the door opens and I hear,


I sit up very quickly and look at him. He's grown taller, he still dresses the same but he looks more mature.

"Luke?" I whisper. Out of all people, I get stuck with my ex as my roommate.

Thank you honestly to whoever orchestrated this. (You're welcome April, honestly it's no big deal :))

"What - what are you doing here? Are - are you the exchange student from NYU?" He said, his eyes wide with bewilderment and his body stiff.

"Yeah... I didn't know you went here," I said faintly, not daring to look at him straight in the eyes. Knowing I'd cave and throw away everything I've worked for, for over 2 years.

"Yeah, I do," he said awkwardly. It had never been awkward between us but, I guess, things change.

My stomach started grumbling and Luke noticed, "do you want to go to this coffee shop I know? It's amazing really. For old time's sake?" He asked hoping I wouldn't turn it down.

After deliberating with myself for a few moments, I shrugged and accepted his offer. I was really hungry anyway and it was only coffee.

We went to the coffee shop and ordered our drinks. Once we got them we sat down at a small table, and drank quietly.

"How are things?" He asked curiously.

"Good, good, NYU's a great university and I like it there. Lauri's with me there so it's okay I guess," I said shrugging.

He nodded, "what about you?" I asked.

"Good too, I really like it here, but I'll be leaving soon since I've only got one year left then I'm going to do my masters." He said, taking a sip of his coffee.

I nodded, "where are you going?"

"I'm not sure yet, I'm choosing between London and New York. Both have great programs in biotechnology so I don't mind either of them." He said, giving me a small smile. Even after two years, and even if it's small, his smile still makes me feel warm on the inside

I smiled back, and he grinned. We started making more conversation and laughing. He told me some of his stories and I told him some of mine and we just laughed and had a great time. It started to become dark outside but we hadn't even noticed. The café was empty and we were the last two people there.

He stopped smiling and suddenly looked serious, "April, I miss you. It's been 2 years and you're still on my mind every single fucking day. I've tried moving on but every time I was with another girl, I was thinking about you. Im so sorry for ever making a bet over you, that was immature and stupid and it hurt your feelings. I don't think we can just go back to being a relationship, but maybe we could find a way to make this work? I don't know, if you want I mean, I don't want to force you to do anything."

I missed him too, I could try to make myself believe the contrary but it was the truth, and I wanted this to work more than anything, "I forgive you. I've missed you too, as much as I'd like to tell myself that I don't, I do. And I really do want to try and make this work. You mean a lot to me, so I'm willing to try." I said smiling.

He gave me the most breathtaking smile possible, "Remember when I said: maybe in a few years we'll meet again and start over?. How about 2 years?"

I laughed, "oh my god." I said, still not grasping this. Luke and I, there was still a Luke and I, after everything we had been through. We found a way back to each other.

We got up and went out of the café.
It was around 9pm, it was quiet around us and it felt so nice.

Then I felt a hand grabbing mine and intertwining it's fingers into mine, and I knew in my heart that I wouldn't have it any other way.

A/N: and that is the end of The Challenge. It was my first book and I'm really happy to have finished it, after this there will only be the epilogue and then I'll start writing NYTLS, thank you to the 266 people who have read my story and I hope you liked it, I know I can be pretty lazy and not update for a while but still thank you and I hope you enjoyed.

Yours truly, Alya xx

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