[17] The brother who cares.

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Delilah laid on the hospital bed like a porcelain doll.

She was asleep in where her thoughts cannot control her. 

Her brother, Ezra stayed at the foot of her bed. He sat in the chair staring at his sister. 

He knew all her features. 

The tears which were permanently plastered on her face.

The empty heart thinking no one loves her.

The innocent eyes which are hidden away as she sleeps in her haunting nightmare.

Ezra felt awfully guilty. He felt he was the reason his sister laid on the hospital bed. 

Ezra remembered in school hearing rumors about Delilah but pretended he didn't care. 

He didn't watch to be teased by the old kids. He didn't care anymore.

His sister almost died and he was going to protect her. He would be her guardian angel making sure Delilah wouldn't experience any more pain. But this was only the beginning. 


This is quite different from my usual. It is Delilah's brother thoughts. Might be good to see what is going on with her families mind. 

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