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****Attention this book is in the process of being edited, please excuse any misspelled words incorrect grammar, etc.*****


Shelby's P.O.V

The thunder crackled as the tree branch tapped my window. I stood up and pulled the curtain open, rain drizzled down the sides of my mothers favorite blue truck. The smell of wet dog overwhelm me. I close the curtains again and lock the screen. Behind me, my sister silently moaned in her bed tossing side to side. I slowly walked over without making a sound to tuck her in, when her eyes suddenly flickered open. Carey looked as if she could see right through me. Her face went as pale as ever and let out a silent gasp of horror in front of my face. Her gaze never even met my eyes, I slowly turned around.

A figure stared right at me. I couldn't see anything else but the bold eyes. The bold, determined blue

eye's that stared right into my soul.


============================================> This is a picture of Shelby (to the right)



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