"Just for 3 days. He'll heal after those three days. I'm sure of it." He said. They nod. "Thank you so much." Rydel said. "Yeah. Oh. And make sure he doesn't go crazy again. He needs that shot every 6 hours to keep him at rest." He said. They nod as he makes his way to the exit.


"Mommy!" Autumn cried, as she hugged him tightly. "Oh my god, how are you?" She asked. Its been 2 days. "They hit me!" He frowned showing her his back. "How can they do that! I can sue!" She said. He frowned and showed her his legs too. She frowned. "Made any friends?" She asked. "No. They all don't like me." He said. "Plus, there's this girl that escaped, and everyone is mad." He said.

"Well, I'll get out of here as soon as possible okay?" She said. 

"Okay. Please hurry." He said. She nods. "I will."


Linger cried silently. "help.." She said weakly. The room had no doors or windows. Only a bench, chains, and skulls. She cried louder. "Help!" She shouted. She doubt anyone can here.



"I haven't seen Linger in a while. Do you know where she is?" The angel asked the other.

"Don't worry. Linger has her ways. She's always taking long." She said.

"But its been two days. She is the youngest out of all of us. I'm worried. I haven't seen Essie either." She said. The angel looked at the other. "Thats true. Now I've grown a bit worried." She said. 


"Yeah. Send in one of the best angels for a search party."

"Like who?"


"You mean thee Laura marie marano the humans guardian?" She asked.

"Yes, Magrita." She said. 

"I'm on it, Ma'am. Oh, and why did you grow worried when I mention Essie?" She said.

"Because something doesn't feel right about her. There's something fishy about her. I can feel it in my angel gut." She said.

"Oh." she said.


-----------------2 days later-----------

The girl ran faster than anything. At least thats what she thought. The dogs barked louder. She ran faster and faster, until they finally spot her. "Stop right there!" The man yelled. She gasped as he grabbed her arm tightly, and pulled her over to him. "Ow!" She cried. He pulled her over his shoulder as she screamed. "Let me go!!" She cried out. She reached for her pocket and pulled out a pocket knife, stabbing it in him. He yelled and she slipped out of her arms, and she ran off into the town.

It was now night, and she was very tired of running. Her legs grown weak, and she fell to the floor, weak, and unable to speak. Someone walked over to her. "Uh... You okay.. little kid?" A male voice spoke. She didn't answer. He picked her up and began to walk off. She rested her head on his shoulder. He smelt like alcohol and smoke. She suddenly began to cry. "Hey. Shhh..." He said, rubbing her back. She was only wearing a sweater, and pink underwear. There was a lot of dirt on her skin, and cuts. He entered a house, that was air conditioned, so she felt cooler. He sighed and put her down on the couch. She fell asleep already. He grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her. He walked upstairs and took off his shirt, falling to the bed, completely asleep.


The girl woke up, looking around her surroundings. She was on a couch, wrapped in a blanket. The man she saw the day before, walked in. "Hey." He said. He walked over to her, and bent down to her. "I'm Ross. And I couldn't help but notice you on the sidewalk." He said. She sat up. "Whats your name?" He asked. "Aubree." She said. "Cute name for a cute little girl." he said. She smiled. "So why we're you on the sidewalk like that?" He asked. "I don't have a home." She sighed. "We can talk about it after you get a bath. You smell like the forest, and look like it too." He chuckled. She tried to get up, but she fell down. "Let me help you." He said and picked her up, walking up stairs. He started the water, and she took off her shirt and underwear. He helped her get in. "So wheres your mother and father?" He asked, pouring water her. "I don't have any." 

"Oh...." He said. "Any siblings?"


"So where did you come from?" He asked. "Juve." She said. He stopped, and continued. "Why?"

"I decided to steal food from a store 'cause I was hungry and poor." She said. "Aw. Well thats sad. You got out?" He asked. "No. I escaped."

"Way to go." He laughed. She smiled. She wasn't expecting for him to say that. After he was done, he got her out the tub, and wrapped a towel around her. "I think I have some of my sister old clothes. Don't know why though. Be right back." He said. He was shirtless, so once he turned around, she saw two scars on his back, and he left. She waited, and he came back with clothes in his hand. "I cleaned your sweater. So here you go, and here's some jeans." He passed her the rest of the clothes, and left the bathroom. She got dressed into the clothes, and she walked carefully out the bathroom, making sure she doesn't fall. She suddenly felt someone pick her up. She giggled. and she looked at him. "You remind me of someone." He said. "Who?"She asked. He sighed. "Um... no one. You hungry?"



Autumn sighed as they get lunch. It was disgusting food.

He ate quietly as a boy sat in front of him. "Sup dude."

"Sup?" He said.

"What are you up to?"


"Wow. Your really lame."

"Your mom's lame." Autumn fired back. 

"What did you say about my mom?" He asked.

"I said shes lame."

"Don't talk about my mom like that."

"So don't talk about me like that. Capeesh?" He said. The boy rolled his eyes and got up, walking away. 



To be honest, that picture on the media makes me cry... Knowing that its Linger... BUT ANYWAYS,


I love Zebras: If you think Alana saves Linger (Woohoo!!!)

I love Flamingos: If you think another plot twist comes in.. (Maybe later on)

I love Ducks: If you think Rocky's girlfriend is revealed (Why does this keep popping up?)

I love you: If you think Laura and Ross meet unexpectedly? (Wow... Well damn... Oh and did I get you there?)

Hope you enjoyed!




Broken Photographs ~Raura~ COMPLETEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang