glass & blood

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I woke up to the sound of a car door slamming shut. I looked around me to see nothing but black, although I felt like I was on the backseat of a car. 

The sent in the car smelled familiar, but I couldn't just put my finger on what it reminded me exactly of.

Suddenly someone opened the door of the backseat and pulled me out, by my hair. Well there goes £200,- extentions down the drain. 

When I was back on my feet I felt dizzy and suddenly I felt a horrible pain in the head and in my stomach. What the hell had happened? 

Then it hit me. 

I remember walking down the street when I heard something behind me. I decided to walk faster, almost running when the figure caught me and pulled me along with him to his car. I remember hitting my head against the car door before passing out in the car. 

But where am I and who 'kidnapped' me?

''Stop dreaming babe we are here.'' The familiar voice said.

''Where's here?'' 

''You'll figure out soon.'' I heard the voice laugh before he opened the door which i guess leaded to his house and then he pulled me along with him inside.

I was put on a coach and he pulled off the blindfold. Now I could finally see where I was. The room was dark. The only light in the room was the moonlight shining trough the window. I took in my surroundings and noticed a small bed in the corner of the room, with a dirty blanket and pillow on it. There is no way I'm gonna be sleeping on there. 

My stomach and head were still hurting. So I decided to ask the guy for a painkiller, not that he'd give me one though. 

''Can I please have a painkiller?'' I asked, looking up at the guy.

''Why would you need a painkiller babe?'' He smirked at me while untying the ropes that were still around my wrists, tied behind my back. 

I could finally move my hands now. I decided to give it a shot and I punched him on his nose. He instantly fell on the ground and I ran to the door as quickly as I could. 


The door was locked. 

He was still on the ground, trying to fix his nose which was now bleeding, and it was probably broken. 

I ran towards the glass door that led to the garden and I let myself fall trough the glass, onto the ground. 

I felt glass in my arms but I couldn't care less. I had to get out of here. As far away as possible from him. As far away as possible from the guy who had raped me before. The guy that tried to kill me 2 years ago. The guy that I had to call my ex-boyfriend. 

autors note ; i'm rubbish at updating i'm sorry! but i have 2 weeks off now so i will be able to update more frequently! comment, vote and follow me ily all

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