shit we're late

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The next day I woke up with a huge headache, god knows how I got that. Also, the next thing I noticed was maybe a bit worse than a headache. I was on the kitchen floor, wearing nothing but a bra, Harry's ripped seetrough white T-shirt and short shorts. And to top it all off, I heard 5 voices coming from the living room. 

The boys. 

''Harry!'' I yelled and Harry stood next to me within seconds. 

''What is wrong?'' He said smirking while helping me get up from the ground. 

''Can you please get me some decent looking clothes to wear? I don't want them to see me looking like, this..'' I said while pointing out the clothes I was wearing. 

''Like, what?'' He smiled at me while getting the milk out of the frigde and drinking from the carton. 

''Like a tramp Harry, I'm looking like a tramp. It looks like you was drunk last night and pulled one of those crack slags from the streets, took me home and fucked me on the kitchen counter.'' I sighed before I continued talking. ''Wait, That last thing actually happened oh my god I am a tramp...'' 

''Did someone say tramp?!'' Louis ran into the kitchen and stopped running when he saw it was just me, complaining about the fact that I had sex with Harry last night. 

''Oh, never mind boys! You can all stay in the living room there is nothing to see here but a sexy looking girl!'' Louis said laughing while winking at me and walking back into the living room. 

''Louis behave, you've got a girlfriend!'' Liam stated, being the responsable one. 

I shook my head at the idiots I was currently surrounded with and walked to the fridge. I opened it and took a look at the almost empty fridge. The only thing that was probably eatable was a box of pizza with just a few slices on it. I guess this was going to be my breakfast today. 

I picked up the box and put it on the kitchen counter. When I saw the kitchen counter I thought of the things that happened on here last night. Nevermind, I will just put the pizza box on the table. 

Suddenly I saw something next to the fruit bowl. I couldn't believe it that was so gross eww. Harry's used condom from last night was just thrown on the kitchen counter after the job was done oh my god that is so, eww. 

I picked up the condom with the tips of my fingers and carefully threw it into the rubbish bin. Then I walked over to the sink and cleaned my hands about 3 times before I could touch the pizza again. 

Now it's time for breakfast. Wait, what time is it actually? I think I might get to know one of the other boys a bit better since I will probably be stuck with these 5 idiots for a while. So I called over Niall. 

''Niall?'' I asked. 

''Yes?'' He answered. 

''Can you come here for a second, I need to ask you something.'' I replied again. 

''Sure.'' I heard him stand up and walk over to the kitchen. When he walked inside he noticed the clothes I was wearing and his eyes suddenly got big. Then he noticed that I saw what he was doing and he just acted cool like nothing happened. 

''What's up?'' He asked, now trying to focus on my eyes, ugh boys. 

''The sky? No I'm kidding what time is it?'' I smiled at him and walked back to the kitchen table. 

''It iiiiis, 1.. Shit, we're late..'' He suddenly got all excited, but worried at the same time. 

''Yeah, what's wrong with that?'' I asked, while putting a slice of pizza on a plate and putting it into the microwave, before heating it. 

''We were supposed to meet up with your dad at noon to talk about the rules for the security on tour!'' He said before running off and telling the others. 

Well there goes my chance on getting to know the other boys.. 

autors note : hi guys i know its a quick update but i told you i would update more often because i have a week off. well that week is almost over but im going to update more often anyway. so prepare for a lot of updates :) 

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