I Need You So Bad

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Alex's POV

I was sat on my sofa, thinking about how shitty my life has become. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss Harley like hell. I hated being mean to her. She was one of my best friends before she was my girlfriend, so if we couldn't be together then I atleast wanted to be friends with her. I know she was with John now and I couldn't help but feel intense jealousy whenever I saw them together. I even went and told Jack they were in a secret relationship! Who the hell does that? Me, that's who. Because I'm a dickhead. My phone rang, I looked at the caller ID, Rian. "Hey man, what's up?" I asked. "Alex, you gotta get down to the hospital now!" he sounded panicked. "What? Why, what's happened?" I asked. "It's Jack and Harley, they were in a car accident." Oh fucking hell. "I'll be right there man." I hung up and threw my shoes on, running to my car. I got to the hospital as fast as I could without breaking the speed-limit. I tore through the hospital and up to the front desk. "I'm here to see Harley Poynter and Jack Barakat." tears were threatening to fall. "Who are you?" The woman at the desk asked. She looked like she was in her thirties and had black hair pulled into two side ponytails. She wore black eyeliner and bright red lipstick. "I'm their best friend, Alex Gaskarth." she nodded. "You can see Mr. Barakat but Miss. Poynter is in critical condition, she's not able to have any visitors at the moment." she had a sympathetic look on her face. What the fuck was so bad that Harley couldn't have any visitors? "What room?" I asked. "Mr. Barakat is in room 182." I nodded. "Thankyou.." I trailed off realizing I didn't know her name. "Lyndsey." I smiled. "Thanks Lyndsey." she returned the smile. "It's fine, I hope your friends are ok." I rushed off to room 182. Rian, Zack and Katie were outside. Katie was crying and Rian and Zack were comforting her. "What happened?" I asked. "Jack was drink-driving and they got hit by a truck." he was drink driving? He's bad enough at driving when he's sober, never mind when he's drunk! "Why didn't Harley just drive?" I asked. "She's had more drink than him, not that it would have made a difference, they're both shit drivers anyway." I nodded in agreement. They were terrible drivers. "Have you guys been in to see Jack?" They nodded. "We let you go in on your own." I thanked them and pushed the door open to see Jack sat there lying in a hospital with a cast on his arm. "Hey buddy, how are you?" I asked. "I'm fine, bu I'm really worried about Harley. They won't let anyone see her!" I took a seat in the chair next to his bed. "I know, we're all worried. I feel like such a dick, Jack." his expression hardened. "You are a dick." I sighed. "I just wanna be friend with her, you know?" Jack nodded. "Well you're going to have to have a serious talk with her and apologize when she wakes up." he said. "If she wakes up." I whispered. "She will wake up, she's a fighter." I was glad we had Jack at times like these, if not we'd all be depressed all the time. "Can you get everyone in here please?" I nodded and stepped outside of the room. "He wants to see you all." Everyone came inside the room and Jack grinned, then his smile dropped. "Is John not here?" he asked. "We called him, he said he was busy." Rian said. "Too busy to come to the hospial where his girlfriend is unconcious? What a great boyfriend he is." I hissed through gritted teeth, suddenly becoming very angry. "Whoa Alex calm down!" Zack said. My phone started ringing, I didn't bother to see who it was. "Helloo?" I answered coldly. "Lexy baby! Where are you?" Bambi, great. I stepped outside of the room knowing fine well everyone in that room hated Bambi. "I'm at the hospital." she gasped. "Oh Lexy baby, are you ok?" I sighed. "I'm fine, it's Harley and Jack, they were in a car crash." she fake gasped again. "Well can't you come see me then? I mean, you're not the one in hospital are you?" I couldn't believe her. Did she seriously expect me to leave my best friends in hospital to come see her? "I can't. Jack and Harley are my-" she cut me off. "You're seriously blowing me off for them?" Was she kidding here. "Um yeah.. kinda." she slammed the phone down. "Ouch." I said and walked back in. "Sorry guys, that was Bambi. She wants me to go see her." Jack looked really hurt. "Well, go on then go see your girlfriend." he spat. "I told her no. I wouln't leave you to go see her Jack." Jack broke out into a grin. "Thanks dude."

Everything I ask for (All Time Low/The Maine)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora