I'm in the business of misery

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Alex and I have been dating for just less than a year now, and still the fans suspect nothing. Sure they get excited and scream 'Harlex' whenever Alex slaps my butt, or we flirt on stage, but they think it's all an act, purely for their- and our- entertainment. It was coming up our one year anniversary and Alex, being the romantic he is, wanted to do something special. "Can't we just order pizza and play video games?" I whined. "We do that like everyday Harls." a small chuckle escaped his lips. "We should go out for a meal or something, with the whole group." My eyes lit up. "Hey I know! We get the whole group round mine and Jack's, order pizza, and play video games." Alex shook his head. "I swear to god, you are a dude." I raised an eyebrow. "That would make you gay." he nodded. "I'm having a secret affair with Jack." I laughed. "Oh it's not a secret honey, trust me. There's fanfiction and everything." This time it was Alexs turn to raise an eyebrow. "You've read it?" I smirked. "Maybe." I got up from my seat on the sofa and walked into the kitchen. "Babe, I just realized, you haven't met my mom!" Alex exclaimed. "I met your mom when I was 15 Alex." he sighed. "I mean, you haven't seen her since we started dating, she knows we're dating but you haven't seen her." I thought for a second. "Well you can go get her later and I'll cook something nice for us all to eat." Alex nodded in agreement. "You mean you'll order pizza." I folded my arms in protest. "It doesn't have to be pizza, we could get chinese or anything." Alex leaned forward and kissed my forehead. "You're so cute." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah I know, let's go play x-box." I walked back into the living room, forgetting what I even went into the kitchen for. 

"DIE MOTHERFUCKER!" I yelled at the TV screen, practically murdering the x-box controller. "AH FUCK, FUCKING GIVE UP ON THIS SHIT KILL ME NOW MOTHERFUCKER." I threw the controller at the wall, it surprisingly didn't break. I was currently dressed in a black tank top and grey sweatpants, sweating from my intense game of Halo. "So nice to see you again Harley." said a voice from behind me. I span around. "Oh shit, um hi Isobel." Isobel laughed a little. "It's a good job I already know and love you Harley, this would have been awkward otherwise." I ran a hand through my hair. "I'd hug you, but I'm all gross and sweaty from my... workout." I tried. "Babe we've just watched you swearing like a man at the xbox, don't even trie to lie." Alex piped up. "So I uh.. I was gonna cook, but uh.. I got caught up in my workout so we'll have to order pizza." Alex and Isobel laughed and shook their heads. "Ok, well since you had such an intense workout, you better go shower." Alex said ruffling my hair. I quickly smoothed it out again. "Can you not do that please? I'm not your son who just won a football game." I ran upstairs and quickly showered and changed before running back downstairs. I found Alex and Isobel sat on the sofa's eating pizza with.. Jack? "Oh hey Harley, I was just telling Alex and Isobel about my girlfriend, you'll have to meet her sometime." I raised my eyebrow at him. "Jack, I've met Tay." he rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Me and Tay are over, I have a new girlfriend, she's called Holly she's really nice." Alex nodded. "She's really pretty Harls, It'd be good for you to get more girl friends." I couldn't get my head around it, Jack and Tay were over? Why didn't I know this? "Well we've got plenty of pizza so why don't you invite her over?" I suggested. "Great idea, I'll just go call her now.. oh you don't mind, do you Alex?" Alex gestured for him to go ahead. Jack left the room to go call Holly. "So what does she look like,this Holly?" I asked Alex. "Blonde. Big boobs." I rolled my eyes. "Typical Jack." I wasn't one to judge though, she could be really nice for all I knew. A few minutes later Jack returned. "She said she can't eat the pizza because she's watching her figure and she's already eaten but she's still coming over." We sat and finished the rest of the pizza and Isobel said she really must be going. Shortly after she left, Holly arrived. I forgot about our little secret and was sat on Alex's lap. "Guys this is my girlfriend Holly, Holly this is Alex and Harley." Holly was exactly what I expected. She was really pretty, it kinda made me feel kinda uncomfortable and irrelevant. She sent a small smile toward me and Alex. "Aw, are you two dating?" My eyes widened and I shook my head. "Me? Dating him? No, of course not." Alex nodded his head. "We just sit like this because we're close friends." she slowly nodded her head. "Do you both live here?" I shook my head. "I live with Jack, Alex lives all on his own because he has no friends." I teased. He pouted. "I'm not alone, I have Baz." Baz was Alex's dog, his real name was Sebastian but we rarely called him that. We noticed Holly had a confused look on her face. "Baz is my dog." she nodded. Jack took her hand and pulled her down on the sofa. "You two should date, really." we let out awkward laughs. "So Holly, what do you do?" I asked her. "I'm a model." she said proudly. We talked about random things for a while, it was slightly awkward. "Why does your band need two guitarists? I personally think it would sound better with just Jack." Jack and Alex's jaws dropped and shot her a death-glare. "You kinda ruin the bands image aswell, like I think it would look better with just the four guys." I was getting really annoyed now. "Are you suggesting I quit the band?" I spat. "Well um.. I just think it would be better if-" I cut her off. "If I wasn't in it?" I couldn't believe her! And why weren't Jack and Alex saying anything? "Well you're a little too emo for the band in my opinion. It's kinda promoting self harm and stuff." I narrowed my eyes. "Are you saying I self harm?" I asked, venom in my words. "Isn't that some emo ritual or something?" I stood up, ready to slap this bitch. "Listen bitch, I'm not a fucking emo and I don't self harm." I was extremely close to her face now, ready to slap that stupid smirk away. I would've too, if Alex hadn't grabbed my hand, stopping me. "Hey don't get all angry with me! I'm just saying, I think you should stop being so selfish and getting in the way of the guys' dreams. They could be huge, if they just got rid of the unnecessary baggage." I was so angry, and still Jack and Alex did nothing. "Are you suggesting I quit?" holly nodded. "Fine, I quit." I grabbed my bag and walked out, angrier than ever. I got in my car and just drove, it was late and I didn't know where I was going. I couldn't go back home because Jack would be there tonight. I couldn't go to Zack or Rian's because I was no longer in their band. I drove around until I pulled over. I got out my phone and dialed John's number. "Hello?" shit, I'd probably woken him up, it was really late. "Hi John, it's Harley. Could I come stay at yours for a bit? I don't know how long for." I crossed my fingers, praying he would allow me to stay. "Sure, Kellin's staying over too, hope you don't mind." Yes. "No, it's fine, I'll just get my stuff from home then I'll drive up, ok?" I told him. "Ok, see you soon Harls." he hung up. This is why John was such a great friend. He didn't even question why I needed to stay. I drove home as quick as I could and packed some clothes and other essentials. I didn't even hear the front door open, let alone Jack come into my room. "Harley what are you doing?" he asked. "I'm going to stay with John for a bit, since I'm clearly not wanted here." Jack nervously ran a hand through his hair. "You are want-" I cut him off. "No. Your stupid girlfriend was giving me shit and neither of you defended me. So I'm leaving for a while. Also I meant what I said about quitting the band, I'm done with this." Jack looked flustered. "Are you still with Alex?" he asked. "Hell no. The only thing he did was stop me from slapping that bitch." I gathered the rest of my stuff and took it out to my car. "Goodbye Jack." I drove in the pitch black all the way to John's. It was also chucking it down. I grabbed my bag from the trunk of my car and walked up to the front door. I knocked slowly, my hands shaking from the cold. The door swung open and there stood John. "Oh Harley." I dropped my bag as he pulled me into a hug. At that moment I just let it all go and burst into tears, soaking John's shirt. 

A/N: Hope you liked this chapter :) Chapter title credits go to Paramore xo

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