Wake me up when september ends

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John's POV

"John O'Callaghan." I watched as everyone's faces turned to shock. Except Jack, since he was the only on who knew. They all looked from Harley to me and we both just burst into laughter. "Seriously? You lost your V-Card to John?" Garrett laughed. "Excuse me, what's wrong with me?" I asked, faking hurt. "What isn't wrong with you?" Tay teased. "So John, who did you lose your virginity to?" Mike asked. "Harley Poynter, of course." I smiled. "Jarley, I ship it." Cameron said. I grinned, no one knew it, but I loved Harley. More than a best friend, she was just so beautiful and perfect, I couldn't help it. I fell for her a long time ago, back when we were kids. I tried to stop it at first but then I gave up. I don't think we'll ever be more than friends though, she would never like me back. Besides, she could do so much better, I'd just end up hurting her in the end. "No way man, I ship Harlex." Alex. He was another thing standing in the way of me and Harley being together. I saw the way he looked at her, it was the same way I did. I didn't know whether he loved her or not but he definitely liked her, and I think she likes him too. I should just let them be together, it's for the best. I decided to talk to Harley about it. They deserve to be together. "Hey Harls, can I talk to you for a sec?" she nodded and stood up, we walked to the ATL bus. "What's up?" she asked. "I know." I said, she blushed. "About me and alex?" I nodded. "How?" "I see the way you look at him, it's obvious Harls!" she turned a deep shade of red and tried to hide it with her hair. "Don't tell anyone, ok? We've only been going out since-" Wait, what? "Going out? You're together?" she looked at me, confused. "I thought you said-" I chuckled and shook my head. "I meant I knew you liked him, silly! But oh my god, I'm so happy for you!" I pulled her into a tight hug, not wanting to ever let her go. "Love you John." she giggled. "Love you too Harls." if only she knew. But she never will, she's with Alex now. Jack came running up to us, looking for Harley. "Hey John, mind if I steal Harley for a sec?" he asked. "Sure." she went off with him and I just stared at her, she was so perfect beyong words. My phone vibrated, signalling I had a text. 

From: Harley<3 

Don't tell anyone, please! We need to keep it a secret, bandmate relationships dont go down to to well. Thanks, love ya xx

It took me a while to process what she was talking about. Oh! She meant about her and Alex. I text her back letting her know her secret was safe with me. 

Jack's POV

"So what did you wanna steal me for?" Harley asked. "I um.. I really like Tay." I said sheepishly. "I know." she laughed. "What?" she raised her eyebrow. "C'mon Jack, it's so obvious! Alex noticed too." I blushed, putting my head down to hide my face. "So are you gonna ask her out or what?" I shrugged. "I want to, but I don't know how." I was falling for Tay hard and fast and there was nothing I could do about it. She was everything I could ever want in a girl; beautiful, funny, caring. She was just all round perfect. "Just ask her, there's nothing to be scared about! I'm pretty sure she likes you too." I smiled at her. "Thanks Harley, I'm gonna go do it right now." I rushed off back to the bonfire and sat down next to Tay. "Hey." She smiled. God, that smile was adorable. "Hey um Tay.. I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime, you know.. on one of our days off or something." God I was so nervous. "I'd love to." she replied grinning. I put my arm around her shoulder and she leaned into me as everyone sat around the bonfire talking and just genuinley having a good time. I wish it could stay like this forever. Soon Harley returned and sat down next to Alex. She leaned in to him slightly. There was definitely something going on between those two, why wouldn't they tell me? They knew relationships within the same band were a stupid idea. "I'm probably just being stupid." I thought to myself. They were probably just being friendly. I pulled Tay closer to me slightly. "I'm boreeed, I wanna sing again!" Harley whined.  "Sing with me Jack?" Tay asked. "What? Um.. No I can't sing!" I shook my head. "Yes you can Jack, you sing in the shower all the time!" Harley said. "How would you know?" I raised my eyebrow. "Hm.. I don't know Jack. Maybe because I live with you?" Oh yeah, I forgot about that. "Oh.. yeah.. never mind." Tay nudged me. "Soo, are you gonna sing with me?" I sighed. "Fine, what do you wanna sing?" I asked her. "KISS ME AGAIN!" Harley screamed. I wasn't really confident with my singing but I did it anyway, for Tay. I started singing. "I gotta say there's something I've been thinking about, I can't wait to lay around with you. And tell you all the secrets I've been keeping to myself." next was tay's turn to sing. "it's been a while since I felt butterflies, do you feel the same way too? If every single second could last just that much longer would you hold me.... and kiss me again?" Tay had such a beautiful voice. After we finished everyone jumped up clapping. "woo! That was amazing, Jack you gotta sing with me now, I need to sing with the amazing barakitty!" Harley giggled. "Ok Harls what are we singing?" she thought for a second. "Barbie girl." I sang Barbie girl with Harley and we laughed all the way through it. The best part was Rob filmed the whole thing. That was sarcasm, if you didn't get it. Damn you, Chianelli. All in all, it was a pretty good night. "Can I sing one last song?" Harley asked. We all nodded and she got her acoustic guitar on her knee. "This is one of my favourite songs by one of my favourite bands." 

Everything I ask for (All Time Low/The Maine)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant