Imagine... Planning Sam's birthday

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"Well Y/N, we're gonna head out and check out the case, you stay here and man down the bat cave," Dean said as he finished putting on his suit.
"You got it, but I really don't think that you guys should be working on Sam's birthday," you pouted.
"Y/N it's fine, it's just one more year that I happened to survive. We really don't need to celebrate it," Sam replied.
"Okay, if you say so but I think we should still do something," you said.
Dean grabbed his keys, "Let's go."

Once the boys had left you set your plan into action. You thought that Sam and Dean would be gone for about 2 1/2 hours, just enough time to get everything together. You called the motel and asked them to order a taxi. As you waited you made yourself presentable, fixing your hair and makeup and such. Once the taxi arrived you quickly grabbed your purse and jumped into the taxi, "To the nearest grocery store please," you ordered. Once you got to the store, you quickly ran to the bakery section. You grabbed a blue birthday cake and a pie (for Dean), "Oh I almost forgot," you hurried over to the party section. You grabbed some streamers and a happy birthday banner, "Perfect, now I just need a present," you paid and began to leave. You waved another taxi and got inside, "To the Cardinal Motel please," you asked.
"You got it hun," the lady driving the taxi said. She was halfway to the motel when you had another idea,"Wait! Is there a pet shelter in town?" You asked.
"There is," she replied.
"There please," you said. You paid the driver and began to walk into the shelter. There were two sides of the shelter, cats and dogs. You headed over to the dog side and began to look. There were a bunch of cute dogs but none of them caught your eye except for one. A big brown labrador with floppy ears. You walked over to the cage, "Let's see what your name is," you looked at the card, "hi Max," Max picked up his head and wagged his tail. You knew that Sam would love this dog so you waved over the attendant, "Can I take Max home?"
"Why yes you can, I just need you to do a few things first and then you can take little Max home," she smiled. So you signed all the papers you needed to and paid the adoption fee.
"Ready to go home and surprise Sam?" You said as you put a collar on Max.

The pet shelter was really close to the motel but you still had to run there in order to have enough time to get everything ready for Sam. You quickly decorated the motel and set up the cake with candles. You had just put Max in the bathroom when you heard someone unlock the door. You quickly turned off the light and hid.
Sam turned on the lights and you jumped out of your hiding spot, "SURPRISE HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM!"
"Y/N? Wow thanks," Sam smiled.
"Do you like it?" You asked.
"Yeah," Sam replied.
"I have one more thing to make your birthday even better," you smiled.
"Okay if you guys are gonna do it, I'm gonna leave," Dean joked.
"Shut up Dean," you said as you walked over to the bathroom door, "Ready?"
"Uh, yeah," Sam said as you opened the door and Max ran out.
"His name is Max and he's yours," you smiled.
"Oh, hi Max," Sam said petting him, "you're a good boy aren't you?"
"Oh great, a dog," Dean said grabbing a beer.
"Thanks Y/N, this was really nice," Sam said standing up, "I've always wanted a dog."
"I'm glad you like it," you smiled.
"Ooooo I see pie," Dean said grabbing the pie from the table and stuffing his mouth.
"And there's cake for the birthday boy," you said.
"Awesome," Sam said.
"Happy Birthday Sam," you smiled.

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