CHAPTER 10 Once upon a time...

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Sorry that it took so long for the next chapter. Hope you like my story and please simply ignore my bad english. ♥♥

'Okay so I will tell you a little story.', I said looking into her eyes. She seemed a bit puzzled. 'A Story? I am no small child any more! In a few months I will turn 18.', she said a little pissed. 'I know, Joey, but simply just listen to me.' , I tried to smile but it probably looked wired. But Joey nooded not to interested.
So I started with my story:' Once upon a time in a big Kingdom lived a princess just 18 years old.' Joey rolled with her eyes but I continued:' One day she meet a prince and they were very happy. They made big plans for their future. Then the young woman got pregnant as she was about to turn 19. But on a winterday her mother the queen was murderd. She feelt lonly, scared and depressed. She often sat alone in her tower did not speek to anyone and was trying to find the killer. Her mother's murder should first be solved many years later. The young woman got so depressed she stopped seeing the prince and ignored her pregnancy. She deliverd the baby alone in her room and brought it to the hospital nearby and left it there with the name of the father. After many years past she solved her mother's murder, got married and was happy. Then one day she meet a girl. It was the baby she had left at the hospital only the baby had become a young woman of her own now. The princess decided to go to her and tell her a story. '
Joey starred at me. Silence. Nothing but silence. It hurt.
Then Joey wisperd:'How does the story end?'
'I don't know. It all depends on the girl. How she reacts.' I said looking at her.

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