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As they had arrived Alexis opend the door.
'Joey',she scqueced and gave her hug.
Then there was at least 10 minutes of screaming of the two girls until Martha came flowting down the stairs.
'Alexis whats is going on down there?',she asked.
'Guess who is here!', Alexis said with a big grin on her face. 'Johnna? Johanna Beckett, is that you?', Martha said exicted.
'Well Martha sure it is me.', Joey said and gave her a big huge.

Becketts POV

It hurt to hear that name. I tried not to think about my mother. It was tuff. It hurt.
'You okay?', Joey asked and looked at me with her big happy eyes.
'Yeah I am okay', I said and quickly looked away.
I did not want to talk about what had happened.
Joey looked at me with a piercing glance. It was creepy. She had something in her look I had not seen in a long time.
She just continued starring at me, than she said: 'You are not okay! Is it because of me? I do not want anyone getting annoyed by me.' 'Oh no sweetie it is not because of you!', I said.
Castle took my hand. It was warm. It was the feeling of safety and comfort. I looked at him and gave him a I-love-you-look and he gave me one right back. I loved him for that. He understood me. He knew when I needed him.
Joey looked at us with a big grin and turned back to Martha.

'Richard, did you plan to cook? If you did you should get started! ', said Martha and looked at Castle. 'Oh right!' he said and hurried over to the kitchen.'I am sure you four will find something girly to do in the meantime.', he said a little sarcastic.
Joey and Alexis were already sitting on the couch and babbling on about the last 8 years. I looked at Martha. She gave me a smile. I did not know why but Joey gave me a strange feeling.

Sorry for the short chapter but still hope you liked it.

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