CHAPTER 1 Starbucks

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Joeys phone rang. She pushed her long darkbrown hair behind her ear and picked up: 'Hey Joey need you. There was a murder in the park across Dany's bar corner 24th and 21st. Meet you there.' It was Max Parker her boss. 'Okay,coming', Joey said already putting on her clothes.

She almost was out the door as her flatemate Christina blocked the door. she somethimes was annoying as hell. 'New case?', she asked. 'Yes', Joey answerd and wanted to push herself past Christina, but Christina didn't let her trough. 'I have to go now', Joey said annoyed. Christina looked at her provocatly and said: 'I will let you through if you promise to tell me everything later.'
'Okay, but I really have to get going now.', Joey said frustrated.She was definitly not going to tell Christina anything about the case.
Finally she let her trough and as Joey was already half way down the hall she heard Christina calling Bye but she didn't answer and kept going.

Because she had not eaten anything at home she droped by at Starbucks to get a Coffee and a Donut. Starbucks was stuffed with Teenagers and young adults all getting something to drink and eat befor they had to go to school or work.
Joey didn't stick out. It was normal for a 17 year old to hang around at Starbucks. But she was still differnt as other 17 year old teenagers. She worked for the NYPD as a detective for homicide at the 5th precinct. But nobody took her serious when she said she was a Detective.
'So what can I give you?' the man behinde the counter asked her. 'Er....I will take a coffee, black, of those chocolate donuts please.' she said and pointed at the donut.
She opend her bag to get out her wallet. It was not there. She searched her whole bag but it was not in there. She could have sworn she had packed it.
She looked around. The woman behind her looked at her and said: ''Ey honey, are you going to pay now or not?'. Joey rolled her eyes.
Just as she turned around she saw a young man maybe 19 or 20 grabbing into the bag of a girl who was turned towards her friend. They were laughing.
'Hey. You there!' Joey shouted towards him:' What do you think you are doing?!' He just sarred at her. She went towards him. Then he said amused:' So girl what you gonna do now? Call the cops? Until they arrive here I will be so far away. They won't find me then.'
It was quite. All eyes were on Joey. She opend her red coat so you could see her badge. 'Well', she said, ' I don't think that will be nessesary.' She pulled out a pair of handcuffs and cuffed him to the railing of the stairs.
Joey picked up her coffee and donut and said:' I have more importent things to do as catching pocketpickers. There is someone coming to pick you up sooner or later. Bye.'

As she had arrived in the park 20 min later everyone was already there.
She looked around for Max as Carlotte,the docter, hurried towards her: 'Max wanted to talk to you inside Dany's. I don't know why....'she said and pointed towards a small bar on the other side of the street.
Joey took a last sipp of her coffee, through the cup into the garbage and crossed the street.
There was a NYPD car standing there. She looked at it closely. It was not one from the 5th precinct. It was one from the 12th precinct.
What were they doing here?! This is not there investigation!
It was hers!

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