CHAPTER 4 A balcony & a gun

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Joey sat in the subway to Mr. Weatherfords apartment. She was tierd. She closed her eyes. Suddently a phone rang.
A little sarteled she opend her eyes. It took a little bit until she noticed it was her phone ringing. 'Unknown number' it said on the dispaly. She picked up: 'Joey Prince.' '
Hi. Alexis here.'
'Alexis?!', Joey said suprised, 'Why are you calling? Did something happen?'
'No everything okay. I just heard from dad that you are in the city.', Alexis made a pause then she said:'Well actually not everythink is okay....Can we talk?'
Joey was confused. They had not spoken or heard from eachother for 8 years and suddently Alexis wanted to talk?!
'Ok. Sure. Tonight at my place?', Joey asked.
'Yes. Thank you.', Alexis said sounding relifed.
The subway stopped. 'Ok then see you later. Bye.', Joey said quickly and hung up. This phonecall was really wired.

As Joey arrived at Mr. Weatherfords apartment she rang the doorbell of the landlords appartment. Nobody opened. She rang again. No answer. She looked around. She saw a open apartment door.
She knew Angie had said not to do something stupid, but she anyways never did what Angie told her to do so she quitely sneaked through the door.
She looked around. Then she hearf noises out of the bathroom. Lets say it were noises you do not want to describe closely. So Joey quickly went on the balcony. She looked down. This was higher then she had thought. She looked over to the left side. The balcony of the landlord was only two more away.
Joey got onto the railing. She grabed the windowsill of the the window above then she put her feet slowly onto a ledge of the wall. Carfully she crawled over to the next balcony.
The next balcony was the landlords one. As she was half way there she saw a man holding a gun on the balcony. He had the gun pointed at her.

Sorry for this short chapter, but i did not have much time. Still hope you liked it.

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