Accidental Magic Trick

Start from the beginning

" I've been judged, I've been a bug unknown

Yeah I know all about it but my heart is strong

I've been away, been running to save my head

Yeah the warrant's out and I'm almost dead..."

Then I heard someone pound heavily against my door with their fist. I removed the headphones and discarded them, taking a deep breath I opened the door to the less than pleased looking Director of S.H.E.I.L.D. with his arms crossed, looking far angrier than usual.

"Hi" I said slowly with a forced apologetic smile.

The instructor appeared behind him with a smug grin on his dumb ass face. I wasn't gonna wriggle out of this one then...ah well. I prepared myself mentally for the inevitable...

"Agent Carter. My office, now!" Fury barked. Yup, I was doomed.

If the instructor's smile grew any bigger it would have left the boundaries of his face. I stepped outside and closed the door, walked down the hall after Fury and received all sorts of stares from other agents who already branded me as a freak. As I followed Fury and the instructor down the hallway and through the office full of people I really started to feel uncomfortable. So far I had kept my calm... Then some really dumb guy had to throw a pencil at me.

"Hey weirdo, why don't you and your friends go join the circus again, I bet it was a real good freak show!" he shouted.

I saw the pencil coming and before I knew it my hand had deflected it in a way that it was now pointed in his direction. Everything seemed to go in slow motion again; the pencil was flying towards his left eye! How the hell did that even work? I doubted any of this was even physically possible. The slowing of time only lasted long enough for me to realise what was about to happen; not stop it, and I hardly knew how to anyway. In less than a second his head jerked backwards on impact and then he slumped forwards onto his desk and knocked over his coffee in doing so.

All I could do was stare in shock at what had just happened.. The whole room was still for the longest few seconds I had ever endured so far in life, faces with countless pairs of wide eyes turned in my direction. Then panic set in; there was screaming and shrieking, shouting and lots of the office workers fled. The people shouting were all calling me a killer. I didn't mean to do anything; I hadn't even thought about the pencil but now it was in some idiot's brain. That's when I realised that a large number of people were pointing their weapons at me. Damn, why did I ever decide to work at S.H.I.E.L.D.? I saw Fury was aiming his handgun at me too. My day got better and better!

"Astrid. Stay where you are or i'll be forced to use this!" Fury threatened.

The trainer looked like he was about to beat me to a pulp and he ran forward presumably to do just that.

"Rumlow Don't-" Fury said but it was too late; before he could reach me I put out my hand and, with a blast of blue light, sent him flying backwards in to the nearest wall. He didn't take too long to get up so I knew I hadn't killed him. He was more than pissed off now too...

"Don't do something foolish agent, this is your last chance!" Fury shouted.

I didn't know what to do. I did quick estimate head-count and I reckoned there were about twenty something low-ranking agents in the room and two skilled fighters with excellent aim; Fury and Rumlow. My chances weren't great but If I could take out Fury and Rumlow now and shield myself like I did to stop Loki getting to me earlier. If I surrendered now i knew I was completely done for and would be locked up like Amy was but permanently. After all in their eyes I had committed murder! Though I knew it would greatly harm my defence I decided to act.

I slowly raised my hands above my head and Fury waved my trainer forward to disarm me. Once he had my hand gun another agent threw him a pair of hand cuffs. I didn't know exactly what I was planning to do but as soon as Rumlow grabbed my hands to try and pull them behind my back and cuff me I let him get a good dose of my powers. This time the tingling was barely there but the light was less like a beam and more like crackling electricity. Once he had touched my skin he jerked backwards in pain and fell to the floor. Every one had seen the 'blue lightning' and immediately tried to shoot me. I put up another shield and backed towards the doorway quickly. Fury looked on in shook before calling it in to Hill who would probably dispatch a team to take me down. As soon as I reached the Open hallway I ran as my shield faltered and then died. By now I was in a state of blind panic and blundered along the maze of corridors, turning corners wihtout thinking too much where I was headed. As I turned another sharp corner and pushed two more oblivious agents out of the way I slammed in to Loki with the force of a rugby tackle and we both went down. I scrambled back to my feet and pulled him up quickly.

"How dare you! Watch where you are going!" He spat.

I couldn't speak so I just pointed at a crowd of angry agents turning the corner at the end of the corridor and tugged on his arm to try and make him run.

"What in Odin's name did you do?!?!" he asked in amazement.

"I think...I just killed someone... with a pencil..." I said not believing it myself, "BY ACCIDENT!" I added when he smiled disbelievingly.

"You don't know the story... and neither do they so please just don't judge me like they instantly did!" I pleaded gesturing to the ever growing mob that was gaining on us.

"As if I really care about the death of another lesser being... or believe it's morally wrong to kill idiots... It's just you. You don't do that sort of thing." he frowned.

I gave him a disapproving look but chose not to respond. We had to try and escape the mob and there was no time to start an argument right now. Suddenly and, before I could punch him in the face for it, Loki lifted me up and slung me over his shoulder before running down the rest of the hall.

"What the hell are you doing? PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled beating him on the back with my fists to try and make him.

"You run too slowly Astrid!"


Tony's p.o.v.

"Sure you don't want me to get you something?"

I asked Bruce again; I was just about to go and get a coffee.

"No, I'm good thanks Tony." Bruce replied without looking up from his work.

"Well, okay." I got up to leave when I saw Loki with Astrid, looking very angry, slung over his shoulder running past the window.

"Hey Bruce, check this out!" I yelled. Bruce looked up in time to see a mob of agents and Fury charging down the hallway after them.

"Holy Mother of God..." he said taking off his glasses to check if he was imagining this particular spectacle.

"Oh no, Rock of Ages was carrying Astrid... I'm surprised he didn't get his ass kicked! but why were the agents shotting if they were likely to hit her too... I think she's in trouble. Should we go to help?"

"I have no idea whatsoever. I'm still wondering if I was seeing that for real or not..." He said.

Even I was confused by all of this. Instead of suiting up or being logical, I ran after the mob to see what was going to happen and maybe jump in to stop some serious violence happening... or to partake in it. Who knew? Nothing interesting had happened around here for the best part of six months!


Author's Note: hello all! It's been some time so I decided we needed some serious action here to say sorry that 'I have been revising (as I should be right now probably :P) and not uploading... anyways... I really hope you like it because I have just changed my future plans for the story a bit and hope they're more action packed now! Also somewhere later along the line there's always Christmas and New Year's eve so possible party with The Avengers! Just want to say thanks to all my really dedicated readers, you make me feel really proud that I can write this story on wattpad and i'm definitely never going to abandon this story! Luv u guys x :D :D :D Happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (PLZ VOTE/COMMENT/ADD TO READING LIST :D)

On the Run (An Avengers Fanfiction) ✔️Completed (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now