Twenty Two

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You're kidding me? Please dear god be kidding me? Please. I beg of you don't let him be a Caven.

Let this be some big practical joke.

"What?" Elijah sat up.

The teacher walks into the room and looks at the class who begins to fake read.

"Good," he smiled. "I'll be back."

And he walks back out of the room.

Elijah turns to me and once he looks at Matthew his eyes cringe.

"How do you know him?" He asked rudely.

I guess he's the one that's not to fond of Matthew.

"How do you know him?" I mocked him.

"You told her,"Elijah scoffed at Matthew.

"How do you know her?" Matthew asked.

I look at Elijah for his response to Matthew.

"We're friends," he said.

My ass, we are not friends.

More like I'm forced to see you and talked to you because of school but you sometimes you force me to talk to you.

Like acquaintances.

"From her look," Matthew pointed to me. "You look more than friends."

"No," I snapped. "We're nothing more."

"Oh, well did you two ever date?" He asked.

"Yeah," Elijah said. "Why do you ask?"

"Because of the awkward tension," he explained.

I look back at Elijah and smiled.

"We've been through a lot," I mumbled.



"Can I take you out sometime?" Matthew asked.

Wait what?

I turn around to him.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked.

"No he's not," Elijah butts in. "She can't."

"She can make her own decisions," I snapped.

"She already has a date, sorry," Elijah said.

"That's fine," Matthew said. "I'll see you around."

He turned on his heel and walks away.

I turn to Elijah furiously.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You don't get choose who I can and cannot go out with," I snapped. "What are you jealous?"

"Averie I don't care who you go out with! Just not him, he's not the type of guy you would want to date. I know him he plays with people and then is done with them," he explained.

"Well maybe that's what I'm looking for," I spit.

"Averie that's not you," he said.

"Really? You know me better than I know me?" I scoffed.

"Yeah," he said. "I know that the real you wouldn't be that skinny to wear I can see most of your bones, I know that you woodland just go sleep around with a bunch of guys since what happened and I know that you are trying to get better and this sure as hell isn't the way."

I look down at my feet.

Maybe he's right. Maybe this isn't the way to get better or over him.

This really is my way to get over him.

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