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"You know what fuck you," I yell. "God I hate you guys."

I call Katie and she answers.

"Where are you?" I cry.

"I'm- I can't say, mom and dad are really scaring me, are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just really need to talk to mom and dad," I explain.

"Okay," she says.


"Why? Why would you just leave me?" I ask.

"We didn't leave you," my dad says. "We're just getting away."

"Right after your daughter could've died," I fake laugh. "Are you kidding?"

"I'm sorry honey we just can't have this as our reputation of our daughter killing herself. We do love you," he says.

"Yeah well fuck you too," I throw the phone.

Once I got out of the hospital I got a million dollars set to my bank account.

A job and an apartment.

All alone.

But I have Elijah.

And all my friends.


"Mom," Elijah calls.


"I have a friend over, is that okay?" He asks.

We walk into the kitchen.

"Hi honey," she smiles.

"I'm Averie," I shake her hand.

"Are you Averie Matthews?" She asks.


"You're parents are-"

"Ma," Elijah cuts. "We're just gonna go out back."

We walk into the backyard.

There's a pool and shed with tons and tons of grass.

"This is huge," I smile.

"Yeah," he says.

"You're so lucky Eli," I smile.

"How so?" He asks.

"I mean look at your life, you have a house with a family who loves you dearly. Two parents who are in love and care for you, this backyard," I smile holding his hand.

"But it's not like that," he says. "Maybe they do love me and I have this house and backyard but my past has taken over me. I'm looked upon as a frail fragile child everyday of my life."

"It's just a big step to try and move forward," I say.

"It is because I still haven't and I'm seventeen. I have nothing that doesn't treat me like that besides you Averie. Nothing," he spits.

"But at least you have a brother who won't cheat on you, at least you have a mom who makes you a meal rather than call you fat. At least you have a dad that talks about how proud he is of you for getting through what happened rather than one who tells you how you're a failure. Believe me Elijah I'm so thankful for the great days in my life," I say.

"But you just don't understand what happened to me Ave. You don't because no one has touched you unwillingly," he snaps. "No one has caused you the pain of being second to everyone."

"Hell! I am second to everything," I snap. "Have you looked at my life. Have you seen Katie. Natalie! Have you seen what my parents just did. Have you seen what I had to go through. I know what happened to you was tough Elijah, and I know that one day you will get through it."

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