Chapter 1

487 13 1

Ross's pov

I change the gear to make me go faster , the crowed is cheering loudly , and it's deafening . I spin the stirring wheel 90 degrees so the my car drifts around the corner causing another huge applause to ignite . I'm at least 30 metres in front of  my competitor however I'm not taking any chances . I change the gear again making me gain full speed . I drift once more , turning a tight corner, as I do I see my cars reflection in the windows of the shops and houses . My ocean blue with white racing stripes , all- aluminium ford shelby GT500 , glides across the windows making me sigh at how gorgeous she is . She's the love of my life . As the thought of her is on my mind I see the finish line up ahead so I quickly change gear and cross the finish line .

A huge celebration takes off and I collect my money. I step back into my beauty and head home . I park my car right outside my house so everyone can see my car in the morning but once I'm out of it , I notice a 1955 or 1957 ford thunderbird out side the opposite house , not sure which one it is but it's absolutely gorgeous and so vintage I like it which means someone must have moved next door .

As I linger on that thought I head indoors . It's the middle of the night so my family's all asleep , thinking I am too . Actually they probably know I'm out racing , I don't hide it . As soon as I go in my room , I crash on my bed and drift off to sleep. I better wake up tomorrow I have to go school .

The suns shining as I wake up the next morning . As my ear finally get used to being awake I can instantly hear my family , there as loud an explosion and they never stop . I hastily get out of bed and shower , letting the hot water , glide down my body , I love the feels of it , it make me relax so much when I'm stressed and it gives me a good start to the morning . Once I'm finished I get dressed , the usual ripped jeans , converse , white top and leather jacket and head down stair to be greeted my three idiotic brothers , my only sister and my mother who happens to have made me a stack of pancakes for breakfast. Great mum right . " good morning sweetie" my mother greets , " morning " I reply . Rocky comes up behind me and puts me in a head lock and starts talking , " hey bro , so tell is what happend last night " they all stare at me , "we'll I won " and they started to chant my name , so immature , so I shut them up by handing quarter of my winnings on the table , and they all shut up . " we'll guys I'm off to school , hey Ryland need a lift " I offered and he just said that he was getting a lift off his girlfriend so I said bye to everyone and stepped out of my house . Once I made it to my car I noticed that the thunderbird wasn't there anymore , maybe they've gone to work . I head in to my baby and head off to school .

Once I arrive , I can hear my best mate sam call my name . So I head over to him as he's by his car across the parking lot with the rest of my mates. As soon as I get there I'm being congratulated left right and centre , but when we start walking towards the school I notice something in the corner of my eye . The ford thunderbird . It's just sitting there so I excuse my friends as they wait and watch me head over to it . I examine it and it's pretty fly , better then anyone else's car hear except mine . It's in mint condition with it's classic cherry red paint job , the interior is just Devine , Classic red leather , this person knows how to ride in style but as I'm examining even more , sam whistles and tells me we should head in so , I jog over and take one last glance at it . Before I'm interrupted.

" hey ross . What's up with that car , your so interested in it , to be honest it not the nice " as my mate cole said that I span around and replied " not that nice are you dumb , that car is a classic , one of the best , and you say it's not that nice , bro that car it's gorgeous" once i said that , cole replied with a little " oh okay " and we carried on walking to class. When I got to my class door and said a quick bye to my friends and went to enter but then I accidentally knocked into someone , she was so little but then I noticed all her stuff was on the floor from where I knocked her so I bent down and helped collected all her papers .

When we were bent down picking her papers up I felt the need to apologise . " hey I'm so sorry , I didn't see you " she
looked up and replied with a smile and said " hey sugar don't worry I'm a cluts naturally " I hadn't noticed until she started talking that her lips were a bright cherry red , which made me look at them , then my gaze made it's way up her face and look into her eyes , they were a gorgeous brown , which twinkled in the light and her eyeliner was winged which just added a vintage look into her . I had to blink . We had collected all her papers and we stood up at the same time.

" hi I'm ross ." I said while handing her back her papers and putting my other Hand out for her to shake and luckily she did and she replied " nice meeting you ross , I'm Laura I'm also new if you haven't guessed already " she gave a breath taking smile and giggled at what she just said it was cute  . " are u in this class " I asked while pointing towards my classroom . She nodded calmly so I opened the clearing to the class and said " lady's first " with that being said she smiled again and replied with " such a gentleman " and with that she headed into class and sat right at the front . I headed into the class after her and saw that it was almost full so I sat right behind Laura. Once everyone filtered in they noticed Laura sitting there and gave her weird looks because we'll she's new , everyone does it , I also noticed that some of the boys were taking a liking to her we'll who wouldn't she is pretty. Then the class started .

Mr. Steven started the class off by saying good morning which gained a zombie-fide reply . After a couple of minutes Mr Steven started talking again ," we'll class I would like to introduce a new student , miss will you please stand at the front " when Laura stood I noticed her outfit , it was a red leather pencil skirt , with a floral white, black and red top tucked in , and She had these little black heels . but to top it all off she had a fitted black leather jacket on which just topped off the outfit . She looked so nervous I could see it in her face but when she spoke , she sounded so confident . "hi , I'm Laura Marano , 17 years old , I'm not that interesting , I love vintage clothes as u can tell " she said as she twirled , then added ," but I'm also into modern clothes , just moved here from New York .. Oh and my favourite movie is Romeo and Juliet but not the recent ones the 1968 version because I just find it the best " once she said that everyone's head turned towards me because we'll everyone knows that's my favourite movie . I was still looking at Laura and she smiled at me when she went to sit back down , the class just dragged on for about 2 hours as it was double history then the lesson bell went off and off to break we go , thank god .

I got out of class first and waited leaning on the lockers . Once I saw Laura head out the door , I instantly jumped into a conversation , " so Miss Marano , I would like to say that we are friends now correct" I looked over to her and she just looked blank at me .  "I will take that as a yes , so " .once I said that she started laughing and replied while laughing , "oh my god sorry  I was just shocked , I've never made friends this quick before but yeh were friends sugar" , I replied , " okay good , so since were friends and I know you a little , I think at lunch we should hang , so when you walk in the lunch hall just look for me and if I don't see you just tap me , I don't bite and my friends are safe too so don't worry ." I looked at her longing for an answer , " sure sugar I'll see u there " she replied with a huge smile . Then out of the blue she hugged me , I hugged her back obviously , " I'll see u then ross bye " and with that she walked down the hall , I'm guessing towards her next lesson . The lessons after were so boring , they should really invent a new way of teaching because everyone always almost goes to sleep in class but , at least it's lunch at last and with that I made my way towards the lunch hall , taking a seat on my normal table where all my mates were and we just started chatting away , mostly talking about cars , which half of them didn't understand properly . While there were talking I was just day dreaming about my gorgeous girl that's parked outside .

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