Chapter 17: Seeing Gideon

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That awkward moment when your ex texts your cousin and asks her if I like him.

Like bitch! Get it through your small ass brain that I DO NOT like you anymore. Like seriously lmao.

But he's making $17.50 at his new job. And I'm like ummm if you buy me a necklace and matching earrings I'll date you XD

Just kidding. I would never do that to someone. No matter how bad he broke my heart lol. I couldn't be a gold digger. Ew XD

But oh well.

Okay. So my break from wattpad is now over and I thought you guys should know why I took one.

So my ex-bestfriend has decided that it was a good idea to give my ex (the one that cheated on me) a blowjob and then proceed to tell him that I cry myself to sleep every night because of how much I "miss him". Ya. I know...

She also told him about how much I love him and how I want him back soooo badly.

Like sorry bitch, don't flatter yourself. I'm so over his lying cheating ass.

And I know that I'm over him and everything, but the fact that she is my bestfriend really hurt. And also how she told him a bunch of lies, it kinda gets you in the heart.

OH! And she also liked him when I was dating him. She would text him saying that all the time throughout his and my entire relationship.

Thank you so much for being a good friend! *note the sarcasm*

Now we are no longer friends. So that is why I needed to take a break for a little bit. That and the fact that me being on crutches because of my hip and all the physical therapy is getting really stressful.

So ya...

And thank you everyone for being so patient. And also all the support that I have gotten was really amazing.

This is why I love you guys so so so much. I know I can always count on you guys for being there. So thank you again :)

Any guess who got a shot in her hip!! And the needle was fat and 2 inches long...


Ya. The doctor was like 'This will help a lot with your hip.'

Not really because now it hurts even more and it sucks.

Anywhore. Who wants to read the next chapter???



"How was it?" Tommy asked over the phone.

"Awful." I groaned.

"Hey!" Lulu and Cali yelled while Zia laughed.

"That bad?" Tommy chuckled. "At least you got a phone."

"And a laptop, and a whole new wardrobe, and a bunch of jewelry." I said.

"And your point is?" Tommy asked.

"Tommy." I sighed. "You can't keep buying me stuff. I feel bad."

"Too bad." Tommy laughed. "I'm buying you stuff. It's my job to take care of you."

"Yes. But not buying me a whole store. I'll pay you back."


"No?" I asked confused.

"No. You are not paying me back. I won't allow it."

I groaned. "You are difficult."

Tommy chuckled. "Only for you baby. I got to go."

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