Chapter 13: Werewolves Are Real

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Sorry to leave you guys with such a big cliffhanger lol.

Hope you guys can forgive me :)

And this chapter is dedicated to @larrythelobster321 because their comments seriously make my day and the comments are so funny!

I also have an update on how I am doing with the crash and everything...and welp. Not good actually.

My hip is getting worse every day and I'm now on crutches. My mom has also cancelled the physical therapy stuff and we are going to see a specialist. Yay me...not.

So without further ado. Grab a cookie, or cake, or both and sit back and relax!

Oh wait. Forgot to say anywhore ;)

I don't put anywhore on one chapter and it's like WWIII. Damn! XD



I groaned as I fought to open my eyes.

I didn't want to wake up. This bed was too comfy.


I gasped as I shot straight up and looked around the room.

Dark blue walls and a gray carpet.

Why do these look so familiar?

I felt a headache coming on as I tried to remember yesterday's events.

That giant wolf running towards me, the men with the guns, then Bruce, Max, and Isaac that followed me around the grocery store, and then I saw Tommy shift back to human after he turned into a giant wolf.

Oh man. I must have really hit my head when I fainted.

"Great. You're awake." A deep voice said.

I screamed bloody murder and saw Tommy covering his ears.

"Allison!" Tommy yelled over my screaming.

I brought the covers up to my neck.

Wait...These aren't my clothes.

Tommy chuckled. "Don't worry. I didn't change you. My mom and aunt did."

I let out a sigh of relief.

But then my relief went away because that meant they saw my bruises and blisters from the leather belt.

"Why didn't you tell me you were being beaten?" Tommy asked heartbroken as he sat down in desk chair.

"I-I." I stuttered.

"I could have helped you." Tommy growled as he glared at this hands. "Hell. I would have helped you."

I was speechless. I didn't know what to say.

"Dammit Allison!" Tommy growled as he abruptly stood up from his chair causing it to fall back from the force. "People care about you. I care about you! You should have fucking told me."

I watched silently as he ran a hand through his already messy blonde hair.

How can he care about me? No one does.

"You need to know that everyone here cares about you." Tommy said softly. "You might not know it now. But you are important to all of us."

"Why?" I asked. "Why am I so damn important to all of you? You guys don't even know me!"

I immediately froze when he turned his gaze to me.

Oh shit. He's gonna hit me.

"I-I'm sorry Tommy." I said quickly as he walked over to me. "I-I didn't mean to yell at you. Please. Please don't hurt me."

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