Chapter 15: Talking to Sam and Kyrn

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Had a blast in St. Louis! Oh my gosh it was so much fun.

And that awkward moment when you run into your ex in walmart and he texts saying he was thinking about you the entire way home and how much he misses you.

Pft...bitch please. You don't miss me XD

Okay. So like I said before. I'm actually really excited for this chapter haha.

Just the fact that Sam and Kyrn are telling their story XD

Anywhore, grab some of that delicious food and sit back and read.



I sat down at the kitchen island with Sam and Kryn.

"Before you think about not giving Tommy a chance." Sam said as she pulled out a chair for herself. "I want you to hear our stories. Okay?"

"Okay." I said nodding.

Maybe hearing their stories will give me a better understanding about what I should do. If I should give him a chance or go back home and-

Oh shit! Gideon.

Oh no oh no oh no.

I cringed at the thought.

I wonder what's going to happen when he finds out that there is no food on the table.

Or worse.

When he founds out I'm gone!

"Are you okay?" Kyrn asked.

I snapped out of it and looked at their faces sketched with worry.

"Oh ya." I lied. "I'm just thinking about all of this."

Sam smiled. "Don't overthink. It turns out to be bad. That's what Chloe always said to me when I was doubting Xavier. And I'm sorry she couldn't be here. She went to run errands with Zander."

Kyrn nodded. "On to the story. So when we were your age, our parent's left to go on a trip. Sam called me over because her boyfriend cheated, so being an awesome friend, I brought movies and ice cream."

"But." Sam smiled. "On my way home, I came to a stop light. I was bawling my eyes out because that's when I found out my boyfriend was cheating. But at the stop light, a huge truck pulled up in the other lane."

"Your mate was in that truck." I said quietly.

Sam smiled. "Along with Kyrn's mate, Jay, and Chloe's mate Zander and a friend named Ryan. I didn't know that werewolves were real. So when some random guy came up to my doorstep and kept calling me 'mate' and 'mine', I was a little freaked out."

"What did you do?" I asked.

Kyrn smirked. "Kick them in their jewels and booked it out of there."

I let out a small laugh. I could see them doing that.

"And of course them being them, caught us and put chloroform over our mouths so we would stop fighting." Sam said rolling her eyes. "And that's when Kyrn and I woke up handcuffed to a bed."

I gulped. "I know you guys are trying to help me decided, but that right there was not helping what so ever."

"Shit." Sam sighed. "I'm sorry. But I can honestly tell you this. Tommy will never to do that to you. And trust me. Kyrn and I gave Xavier and Jay hell for that. We kinda kicked them a lot in their manhoods. But anyway, back to the story. Later on down the road, we kept trying to escape and they would bring us back every time. They wouldn't give up. But that's also when Kyrn and I learned about werewolves."

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