when hes all alone

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Warnings: mentions of rape, drug use, and self-harm.

Please be safe!


February 26th, 2015

Harry started to fit into the little group of misfits that he had encountered on his first day. Niall had even started to talk to him, which, according to Louis, was a big deal.

It made Harry happy that he was fitting in and had a small group of people that helped him.

Something still was not clicking with him, though. He was still so, so unhappy. Obviously, he had just been thrown into a new place with new people and a new routine - but there was something else that was keeping him on edge. He had not been able to score in a while, it was making him crazy. He was going through withdrawals and it was killing him. He felt like his skin was on fire and crawling.

Harry talked to one of the other patients about it and they told him they would be able to score some drugs for him. The thought of being able to feel that high again was already giving him a buzz.


February 27th, 2015.

Fuck my life.

I cannot take it in here much longer, I cannot. I am not fucking crazy, why am I here? I do not fit in. I am not quiet enough to be a mute like Liam. I do not have social anxiety like Niall. I do not have an eating disorder like Louis.

Do not get me wrong, I am not saying I want one, but come on. They cannot help their disorders; they deserve to be here to get better. Everything that is wrong with me is something I did to myself and I need to fix it by myself.

I am just so frustrated. I asked one of the lower risk guys to get me something - anything to give me a buzz, and he is supposed to be back soon. Hopefully, that will hold me over until I can convince everyone I'm fine enough to go home.

Ha, if I even still have one.

Hopefully no next time, H. x


There was a light knock on Harry's door, followed by two harder knocks and Harry almost screamed in relief, knowing that was the guy that promised some drugs.

"Thank you so much, fuck, I owe you."

"Yeah, you do." He said sternly, pushing Harry back into his room. His eyes widened and he started to freak out, trying his best to push the larger man off him. "Keep fighting it, doll face. It just makes it more fun for me."

"Mate, please. I don't... w-what if we get caught? We could get in so much trouble," Luke just laughed and grabbed Harry by the throat. Fuck, he wanted to strangle Harry so badly.

That was what Luke used to do when he was on the streets. No matter how much payment he received, he would always want more. Some bloke told on him, but he plead guilty due to mental insanity or defect. The jury was apparently very forgiving that day because Luke was sentenced to serve out his sentence here instead of in prison, where he belonged. But Luke had missed this rush. He missed the sensation of forcing someone down, overpowering them in every way possible. And when they would scream? It was better than an orgasm to him. It was a God sent treat just for him.

Having Harry under him, completely and utterly powerless... damn. It was good. And the orgasm he had was even better. It went unnoticed to Luke (or he just did not care), but Harry was silent during the assault. Like he was used to it. Harry shut his mouth, stared straight up at the ceiling and pretended to be somewhere else. It was like he had done this before like it was perfectly rehearsed in his head.

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