The Past

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Cassidy wraps her hands around the mug of hot chocolate that is before her, the chocolaty smell filling her nose. She takes a small sip, and soon regrets it as it burns her tongue.

"Ouch!" She hisses, placing the mug down. "What?" Prince asks, taking a seat.

"Ti turnt ti tongue!" She mumbles, the pain obviously affecting her speech. Prince tries to keep his laugh content, but fails miserably, receiving a glare from Cassidy in doing so.

"So, anyway, what's up?" She asks, her tongue feeling better.

"Uh, well." Prince takes a large sip of his coffee, and presses his lips together "Ki'Loni warned me that Katy is lurking around here, obviously looking for me." Prince runs a hand through his short hair, scratching his neck when his fingers reach it.

"Oh, Katy." Cassidy nods as she remembers the story. "Well, the best thing to do is, even if it doesn't sound ideal, is to talk to her." Prince raises an eyebrow, just as Cassidy expected. "Talk to her?" Prince repeats, making sure he had heard right.

"Yeah, talk to her. Learn why she left you, hear what she has to say." Prince nods his head, as, she was right. He'd like to learn the full story of why she'd left him.

"Cassidy, you really are amazing!" Prince states, sipping more of his coffee.

"Thanks." She replies, giving him a smile.

"So, the past couple of days have been about me, Cassy. Tell me about you." He asks, leaning in closer.

"What do you wanna know?" She asks, not being the greatest at talking about herself.

"Um," Prince becomes deep in thought of what to ask. "Why are you over here in the USA?" He asks, hoping he doesn't come across as rude. She nods her head and smiles.

"I wanted to escape from England. I'm not gonna lie, I had a great life, a great home, a great job, great friends, and…" She fell silent, swallowing a lump that was in her throat. "…and?" Prince asks,

"A great boyfriend." She eventually adds. Prince sits back, observing Cassidy who has become oddly quiet.

"What happened?" Prince asks, taking hold of his mug of coffee."It all became too much, he meant a lot to me but he started talking about kids and marriage. I'm only 25, I have a career to think of," She states, "He was much older than me, he was 38, but we connected. Towards the end of our relationship, I just felt like our connection got disconnected. You know? He was becoming suspicious of why I didn't want children with him, stating that I was cheating on him, which I wasn't. I'd never, ever cheat on someone." Princeton becomes more intrigued, there was so much to this girl, and he wanted to know more.

"So, how did it end?"

"Well, it was a cold winters evening, and I had just come back from visiting a friend who lived in the city. I arrived home, and he confronted me. So I confessed that I felt as if we had no future together. That was that." Her voice became light and wispy.

"So, what was your ex like?"

"Felix? He was everything I look for. He had many tattoos, a toned body, a pretty face. It's his personality that shone, though. He did come across as a dick at times, but inside he was perfect. He cared, he always put others first. He supported me through-out my tattoo apprenticeship. He helped my business when it first started. However, he was lacking something important." she trails off, leaving Prince wanting her to finish. "What was he lacking?" He asks, "Trust." She woefully states.

"And, have you been with anyone since?"

"Nope. I've been preoccupying myself with work, you know? I told myself that as long as I succeed with work, I won't need a partner." Prince's heart sinks slightly, maybe he could convince her otherwise? Having a partner isn't so bad, it's just finding the right person, Felix, just so happened to not of been that person.

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