Lending An Ear

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It was halve past 5 the next day, and Cassidy was busy shading in the memorial tattoo which she had designed yesterday. Her and the man she was tattooing where in a deep conversation about losing loved ones, something which Cassidy was far too familiar with. As the last rose was being shaded, a person entered the shop, immediately greeted by Kris.

"Kris!" The voice calls, "Oh, well if it isn't Princeton!" Kris replies, as they share a long hand shake.

"What's up, man?" Kris asks, gesturing for Jacob to take a seat. "Not a lot, just waiting for Cassy," He replies taking the seat. Puzzled, Kris just about manages a "oh?" to escape his lips.

"I invited her to come and watch the show tonight." Jacob fills in, nodding his head.

"Oh! I see! That's nice of you," Kris replies. Again,Jacob nods his head, stealing a glimpse of Cassidy.

Unaware of Prince's presence, Cassidy places the needle down, allowing Greg(the client) to stand up. He walks over to the mirror, tears automatically filling his eyes. Cassidy takes her gloves off and walks over to stand beside him, handing him a tissue.

"Thank you, so, so much Cassidy. This is truly beautiful, I couldn't thank you enough."

"Greg, you really don't need to thank me. You need to thank yourself for healing so well. They'll both be proud of you right now. Never, ever, forget that they are always with you, by your side, in your heart." Greg gives Cassdiy one of the biggest hugs she's ever received.

"Thank you, Cassidy. You're truly amazing. I'll pop in sometime next week, after the funeral."

"Good luck with it all, Greg. Stay strong." She waves goodbye as Greg leaves the shop, and then she notices Jacob sitting on th couch.

"Oh! You're already here!"

"Don't worry, Cassidy. I'm early." He replies, acknowledging the panic in her tone.

"Oh, phew!" She replies, wiping her forehead. She turns back to her desk and packs away the pencils and paper, closing the drawers and switching the lamp off. She tucks her chair under the desk, and collects her leather jacket, placing her tattooed arm through it, straightening it out.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Kris." said Cassidy as she stands beside Jacob.

"Not until the afternoon, remember? You have the morning off." Kris states, emphasizing that she had the morning off.

"Oh, yeah." She replies, rolling her eyes.

"You're a workaholic, Cass!" He jokes, waving them both good bye.

"Bye Jake,do good!" Martyn wittingly adds.

Jacob holds the door open for Cassidy who picks up speed to walk out.

"Evening, Cassy." Jacob smiles, looking towards her.

"Good evening Jacob!" she replies, beaming "How are you?" She then asks.

"I'm good thanks, yourself?"

"I'm good, excited to see you in action." she cheerfully replies.

"I'm excited for you to see me," He jokes, adding a cocky tone.

Before they both knew it, they had arrived at the arena. Security allow Prince and Cassidy to walk through backstage, and Jacob leads her to his dressing room.

Before they enter his room, Diggy interrupts them.

"Hey Prince, who's this?" He asks, suspiciously scanning her.

"A friend of mine." He replies, giving a puzzling look in return. Diggy nods his head in acceptance, and walks on.

"Um, that was weird." Cassidy comments, making Jacob give her a cheeky smile. Jacob opens the door, allowing Cassidy to enter. She stands in the middle of the room, and looks around. Jacob walks beside her, and nudges her.

"Is everything alright?" He asks, unzipping his rucksack.

"Yeah, fine." replied Cassidy, smiling as she takes a seat. Jacob pulls out his bright-yellow suit and the matching boots.

"I'll be right back, I need to change." He states, walking into the bath room. 10 minutes had passed, and Cassidy becomes slightly concerned. Who takes 10 minutes to put on a suit and boots? After thinking this, the door opens widely, and out walks Princeton. He does a twirl, causing Cassidy to shake her head jokingly. "How do I look?" He questions shaking out his hands. "Good, real good." She replies, with a satisfied smile attached to her lips.

"I know." He cheekily responds. "Well, you don't have a ego, do you?" She playfully responds. Prince shrugs his shoulders, and looks at his iPhone. "Well, we better get you down to your seat my lady." He again, attempts a British accent, and again he fails.

"Don't try that again, Jacob. It hurts my ears." She responds. With that being said, Jacob leads her through the backstage.

"Hey Prince," Ki'loni beams, as they walk towards her.

"Hi, K. Before you ask, this is Cassidy."

"Hey Cassidy, nice to meet you." Ki'loni says, holding out her hand. "Nice to meet you too, Ki'loni." She responds, shaking Ki'loni's hand. Jacob then walks on, towards the ring.

"Ki'loni is so beautiful." Cassdiy smiles, looking towards Jacob.

"She is, not my type though."Jacob admits. Before more could be said, Jacob walks through the side, and through the black curtains.

"Woah." Cassidy whispers out loud. "Pretty impressive," She then adds, taking in her surroundings. Jacob nudges her forwards, as they walk down the ramp.

"Wanna come to the center ?" He asks, showing off his territory. Cassidy smiles, as she slides into the center with ease. "It looks like you've done this before." Jacob queries, raising an eyebrow.

"That's because I have." Cassidy admits, jumping up to sit on the turntable.

"You have?"Jacob asks, intrigued to know more.

"Yeah, back in England I use to take part in dancing competitions here and there, won a few."

"Wow." Jacob replies, impressed. Before he could ask more, he is called by the head time-keeper, Phil, to take backstage because the fans were being let in.

"I'll see you after the show, okay?" Jacob says, helping her out of the ring. She nods as she is taken to her allocated seat.

"Have fun, Jake." She adds, as he walks back to the side.

"And thank you all!" Those words form plenty of We love you's, and 'Call me's off of them. The boys exit stage left and walk back stage.

"Hey, there." Jacob says lightly, placing a hand on Cassidy's shoulder. She's startled for a second, but recognises his voice.

"Hey, Prince." She replies, standing up.

"Enjoy the show?" He asks, looking into her eyes.

"You bet I did! You stole the show, man." She states, patting him on the back.

"Why thank you," He replies, smiling. "I'll go grab my bag, you wait here, okay?" Jacob says, as he speed fully walks off.

"See you in a few days, Jake!" Ki'loni says, smiling towards him. "Will do, K." He replies, returning the smile.

"Oh, and, just to warn you, apparently Katy is lurking around…" Ki'loni throws in, catching Jacob off guard. "Oh, thanks," He replies, not really wanting to hear it.

"I know you don't wanna hear it, Jake, but I thought it'd be best to warn you."

"Thanks, Kiki." He replies, flashing her a smile and heading back to Cassidy.

"You alright, Jacob?" Cassidy asks, obviously knowing he'd heard something he didn't want too.

"Not really, Cassy." He admits, rubbing his eyebrow.

"Wanna talk about it?" She asks, offering to lend an ear. Jacob nods, and suggests a small coffee shop he knows, to which she accepts.

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