The Dance

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Cassidy tilts her head slightly, her eyes meeting with Princeton's.

"What are you sorry for?" She asks, wiping her eyes. "Everything." Princeton responds, his eyes looking sorry.

"Would you like a coffee, or something?" Cassidy asks, opening her front door a little wider. Princeton nods, replying; "That would be lovely, thanks." He walks into the apartment, slipping off his smart shoes.

"Man, I hate these things." He mumbles, causing Cassidy to chuckle lightly. She shows him into the living room, where a couple sofa's were placed facing a flat-screen TV. Princeton placed himself on the sofa by the window, as the slight breeze was appealing to him.

"How do you take your coffee, Prince?" Cassidy asks, standing in the door way. "Any way, as long as it's strong." He replies, admiring her beauty. Princeton looks around the surroundings; the actually flat itself was pretty simple, but the photo's and ornaments were pretty intriguing. On the other sofa, he noticed an acoustic guitar laid across the cushion, with a notepad full of lyrics. Before he could have chance to explore the lyrics, Cassidy walks back into the room with 2 mugs of coffee. She hands Princeton the bigger mug, placing herself beside him.

"Cassidy?" Princeton whispers, placing his mug on the floor.

"Mhm?" She mumbles, taking a sip of the hot liquid.

"I'm sorry," His voice was more louder, but was still soft, "I never meant for any of this to happen. With Katy, you know how I felt about her, and when she returned, I really thought she loved me. I convinced myself that she loved me." He lets out a sigh, as Cassidy sits in silence. He could tell by the look in her eye that was either not truly listening, or that she just didn't care.



"I regret leaving you." Princeton's eyes showed remorse, nothing but remorse. "Everyday, when I was lying in bed, I would think about you. Honestly, it sounds corny, but it's true. All I could think about is your beautiful eyes, your heart-warming smile, the way you can say nothing, but make me smile." A blush appeared on Cassidy's cheeks, hearing these words meant more than a lot to her. Princeton picks up his coffee, taking a long sip.

"Princeton, I kissed Martyn the other day," She whispers, a guilty look spread across her face.

"Oh," Princeton mumbles, "did you m, mean the kiss? Like, you know, I'd understand if you did, Cassidy." Cassidy lifts her head up, to meet Princeton's eyes. She slowly shakes her head, answering to Princeton that the kiss meant nothing. A silence filled the gap between them, as Princeton looks around the room for a distraction.

"Hey, you play guitar?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. Cassidy proudly nods, "I do." "I'm not gonna play to you, though." She then adds, scratching her neck.

"N'awh, that's mean!" Princeton replies, grinning. "I bet you're great."

"I'm alright, tattooing is still my forte." She beams, picking up Princeton's mug and heading to the kitchen.

"You will play for me, one day!" Princeton shouts, strumming the guitar. "Will not!" Cassidy fires, pressing her iPod onto shuffle. Cassidy sits back down, giggling as Princeton plays a few chords.

"Hey, Cassidy,"

"Hey, Prince,"

"You never told me why you went into the police station the other day," Princeton states, putting the plectrum down.

"Oh. But you heard from Ki'Loni?" Cassidy mumbles slightly puzzled. Princeton places himself beside her.

"I know, but, I want to hear it from you. So, what happened?" He asks, placing one arm on the top of the sofa, body facing hers.

"I was walking home from work and I," she trails off at remembering what happened next, "I got attacked."

"Who by?" Princeton asks, concern evident in his tone.

"A group of guys, I'm alright." She shrugs as if it was nothing. Before anything more could be said, a familiar tune to the both of them plays. The Only Exception by Paramore. Princeton stands up, turning to face the female.

"Would you come and dance with me?" He asks, holding his hand out towards her.

"You said you didn't like dancing earlier," Cassidy recalls, tilting her head.

"I know. I lied. I don't like dancing to crappy music, and I don't like dancing with a slut. And plus, you are, the only exception." He pushes his hand closer to Cassidy, not taking no for an answer. Cassidy takes his hand, and he helps to pull her up. He leads her to the middle of the living room, placing her in front of him. Smiling, his arms wrap around her waist, as hers wrap around his neck. They both move their bodies slowly, looking into one another's eyes. The room was dimly lit, adding the a ambience of it all.

"Maybe I know somewhere deep in my soul, that love never lasts. And we've got to find other ways to make it alone, keep a straight face. And I've always lived like this, keeping a comfortable distance and up until now I had sworn to myself that I'm content with loneliness because none of it was ever worth the risk. Well you are the only exception."

Both Cassidy and Princeton were quietly singing along, smiles attached to their faces. As the song starts to come to an end, a sudden rush hits Princeton. The girl before him was just stunning. She'd forgiven him for leaving her, she'd allowed him to stay in her life. Not many people would do that. Not unless they love that person. His heart begins to beat faster, as the thought of love crosses his mind. He thinks about her 24/7, he hates being apart from her, and he hates the thought of another man being able to call her his. Maybe, just maybe, she completes him.

As the song finishes, another Paramore song plays, this time it's My Heart. Before anything could be said, sung, or done, Princeton leans in towards Cassidy. As their lips touch, Cassidy can feel Princeton smiling, causing herself to smile too. Their kiss deepens, causing their breathing to become heavy. After a while of this desired kiss, Princeton breaks off, with nothing but a massive smile plastered to his face. He looks Cassidy in her eyes, holding her tattooed hands in his own. "I love you, Cassidy."

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