She sighed deeply when she walked around those bushes and they saw her human form for the first time. The three men, pack warriors, walked all around her body and asked who are you? Where did you come from?

She said I'm a newly shifted wolf, forced to live in a human city after being abandoned by not only my parents, but the rogues they left me with too. I have been living in foster homes for 8 years and the males of those homes are starting to get sick ideas in their heads as I grow older.

When asked for her name, she said my name is Kathy Ireland and I've just turned 16. They sucked in their breath and asked who my parents were? She said Christina and Wesley Ireland were my parents names but I don't know if they are still together, they were fighting so much that one day they packed my things and took me away.

They promised to come back and never did, mind you, the rogue couple they left me with moved around a lot so they may not have known where I was. But that is no excuse for abandoning me with them in the first place.

She said don't think that if I found them I would fall into their arms, glad to see them because I wouldn't. What they did to me is unforgivable. The three warriors said the reason we asked is because those two people you say are your parents, are members of our pack.

She crossed her arms, hugging herself as they then told her they have a new family, two boys and two girls and they never, not once said they abandoned their first child.

Kathy took a deep breath and asked if they could show her, where Christina and Wesley lived, so she could see for herself. She said I need to see them with my own eyes, because then I can move on, leave the city and find someplace else to live.

She said I can't live where I am any longer safe, because I'm afraid the man of the house is getting too close to raping me. He is trying to touch me every chance he can, my social worker is a joke because she sends me to the worst places to live these last 8 years and I can't take it any longer.

They asked what do you mean? I said well, it started with my first foster home they sent me to. He turned violent, he lost his job soon after I arrived and blamed it on me. He took out his anger on me. He shaved my head and would throw his empty beer bottles at me. One shattered and I have the scars on the back of my head as it ricocheted when it hit the wall, that happened when I was 8.

They asked what happened to the rogues you were placed with? I shrugged and said they packed up their crap and took off when I was in school one day. I was forced to live in that house we lived in until the manager came around looking for the rent, he found me and called the authorities.

They shook their heads and said we'll contact the Alpha, see what he says, come with us now Kathy. I said I'm going to be in so much trouble when I get home, it's late and past my curfew.

They snickered and said we'll protect you, he will not be raping you or anyone assaulting you again. I nodded and followed them over their pack border then stopped as I and my wolf were identifying the feel of the border so we knew what to look for.

My wolf went silent and said they're here alright, I can feel them. They asked what was wrong?, why did I stop? I asked if anyone was stealthy enough to go to where I live and pack my belongings because it looks like I'm leaving the area.

They nodded and said oh yeah, we can get someone to pack your stuff. I said thanks because my wolf said that they are here, she can feel them. They nodded and said come with us, we need to go to the pack house and see the Alpha couple as they want to meet you personally Kathy.

I nodded and said alright, as long as my parents don't know I'm here yet or ever. They started to talk about her school and asked if she had any close friends, may have told anyone about herself.

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