Chapter 6

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Zack's POV

I hear shouting from the living room, then i remember Andy. Shit, i forgot Dad comes home from work early. I throw on a pair of pants and run out to the living room. "Zack?!? Who the hell is this?!?" My father ask as i look at Andy and shes hugging her knees scared to death. "Dad, this is Andy" i say, going over to Andy and holding her "It's okay...he's just my dad, he wont hurt you" I say then get up, helping her up as well, forgetting I'm still shirtless "Go to my room, first door on the left, I'll be there in a bit" i say then she shakes her head.

"I have to go home anyways...but I'll um text you" she says with a faint smile then walks out of the house

"So, that's Andy?" he asks as I take the blanket from the couch and start folding it.

"Yup, thanks by the way for scaring her away" I say putting the blanket on the couch nicely

"I don't like the way she looks..." he says hesitantly

"Oh really? Well i don't care, oh and i asked mom if i can get snake bites...I'm getting them tomorrow after school" i say with a smirk as his eyes widen

"Zackary Lynn Williams, you are not to get any piercings you hear?!?" He yells

"Hmm...well technically its not your choice since its my body" I say still smirking

"MICHELLE!!!" He yells as my mom runs into the room

"Yes dear?" She asks as we both look at her

"Please tell me you're not going to allow him to get piercings" he says as she crosses her arms

"I'm allowing him...what's the harm in it anyways? He's a teenager. Teens live to do things like this" she says in my defense. They argue and I just sneak into my bedroom and quietly close the door, laughing a bit. I grab my phone and text Andy

Me: hey :) I'm getting snake bites tomorrow after school, if you want to come with you can.

Andy's POV

Just before I get home I check my phone and see a text from Zack

Zack: hey :) I'm getting snake bites tomorrow after school, if you want to come with you can.

I smile. I don't know why he wants me but sure...why not? I text back

Me: yea, I'll come, just meet me in front of the school after 5th period

Zack: YES!!! Haha, I get to squeeze my baby's hand if it hurts.

I giggle a bit. He's such a dork. Of course its going to hurt, but not much. I lift up my shirt a bit exposing my hip piercings. I pull my shirt back down then walk into my house.

"Dad! Andy's home!" My brother calls out

I glare at him and he just gives me a thumbs up. I hope he dies in a fucking whole. Or at least I hope my dad starts abusing him. No...I wouldn't wish what I have to go through on others. I look down, then go to my room.

About thirty minutes later my dad comes in "there's my ash tray" he says with a smirk. Me being his ash tray is just him burning me with his cigarettes. I look down "let's just get this over with" I say quietly then he goes to me and lifts my chin "what has you so down?" He asks leaning in a bit, I then pull my face away, then he grabs my face and bites his lower lip a bit. "You know...I only hurt you because I love you" he says then I smell the alcohol in his breathe. Well that explains why he's acting like this. My dad kisses me then I pull away. After I pull away he gets furious and burns his cigarette on my palm "slut" he says as I scream in pain.

~hours later~

I lay on my bed examining the mark I now have on my palm then I get a call, I grab my phone with my hand that isn't injured. "Hello?" I say a bit weak.

"Andy? You alright" the voice said, I immediately knew it was Zack

"Yea, I'm fine" I say, with a faint smile as I'm looking up at the ceiling

"Okay, good, I'm sorry to call you at 8:00 but I can't fall asleep..." He says as I smile a bit more

"We can talk until you fall asleep" I say then I hear a gasp

"Oh my god! Really?!? Thank you, thank you, thank you" he says

After a few hours of talking I didn't hear him talk anymore "Zack?" I ask but I get no response so I hang up and thirty minutes later I fall asleep.

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